Annoying Passengers Who Would Make Anyone Get Off A Plane

Published on July 8, 2020
Sadly, people live in a world where everyone can’t be civil or considerate towards each other. Nevertheless, most people seem to know how to keep themselves in check, especially when they’re thousands of feet in the air. After all, you can’t exactly just stop and get off at the next bus stop, so you’d think people would know that they need to keep it together on a plane. None of these inconsiderate passengers got the memo, as they display the finest that the world has to offer in the areas of rudeness, annoyance, or just a sheer lack of understanding of what it means to be human.

You can’t force proper foot hygiene onto people, but it doesn’t mean that they should get to go around torturing others with poorly maintained feet. Imagine sitting in the corner and pushing your elbow back, when you feel these brushing against you.

What Are Those?

What Are Those?

The Plane Isn’t All That’s Flying

People want to keep their pets with them on flights for many different reasons, but sometimes they go a bit overboard. As if people weren’t already freaked out enough, halfway through the flight, the bird took off and started going up and down the aisle.

The Plane Isn't All That's Flying

The Plane Isn’t All That’s Flying


That New 3-D Experience

When you’re watching a movie, you want to feel like you can touch the characters on-screen. You may not feel the same on a plane. People make mistakes all the time, but would it kill you to ensure that your hair isn’t hanging over your seat?

Up, Close, And Personal

Up, Close, And Personal


Sole Occupant

Some people just can’t allow a good thing like extra space to go to waste when it’s just laying there. This guy, for example, decided that the extra seat was not going to waste and had his shoes and soles hitch a ride with him.

Sole Occupant

Sole Occupant


Can You Smell This For Me?

Everyone wants to be comfortable, and sometimes that means putting your feet up and relaxing your cares away. Be that as it may, there’s no reason that this little girl or any other passenger should have to deal with this.

Can You Smell This for Me?

Can You Smell This for Me?


Pop Goes the Pimple

Caring for your skin is a must if you don’t want things to go downhill on your face. However, this young lady could’ve selected a better time to avoid grossing the other passengers out.

Pop Goes The Pimple

Pop Goes The Pimple


One of These Things Is Not Like the Others

It seems like birds form a recurring theme with these people, as another one joins in on the fun. Can you identify which of the passengers looks a bit different from the others?

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others


Sleep It Off

Sleep can creep up on you during a plane ride because of tiredness or boredom. This young lady thought it would be funny to grab a quick selfie and make fun of the sleeping passenger next to her.

Sleep It Off

Sleep It Off


There Is No Explanation

There are some things in this world that you can explain, even when they seem out of this world. This picture shows one of those things that you’d have to be there even to begin to understand.

There Is No Explanation

There Is No Explanation


I Like This Pillow

When sleep gets a hold of you, there’s nothing you can do to control where it takes you. Here is a vivid demonstration of that, as this random guy couldn’t stay upright during his nap.

I Like This Pillow

I Like This Pillow


Can I Have Some Space?

Many people complain about the fact that there just enough seating room on a plane. This woman is lucky that this guy chose to keep his cool and improvise because this could’ve gone south.

Can I Have Some Space

Can I Have Some Space


Do You Like My Jacket?

Unfortunately, some people just don’t care how their actions affect others, and they show it in many ways. The woman who did this had a screen in front of her. However, it seems she forgot the passenger behind her uses one too.

Do You Like My Jacket

Do You Like My Jacket


It Stops Being Adorable Eventually

Sometimes kids do the darndest things, and you can’t help feel a cuteness overload. At some point, though, it stops being adorable and starts to border on annoyance like it probably did here.

Now There S This Young One

Now There S This Young One


There Are No Dental Appointments in the Air

Oral hygiene is incredibly important, but you need to be mindful of when it’s appropriate. This guy was not going to let other passengers’ pleas and annoyance stop him from maintaining his pearly whites.

Brush Your Cares Away

Brush Your Cares Away


You Forgot About Me

So, every annoying passenger isn’t going to be a human who you wished caught another flight. This spider demonstrates that effortlessly, as it was ready to enjoy the flight just like everyone else on board.

I Deserve A Vacation Too

I Deserve A Vacation Too


Gains On Planes

Exercise is a good thing that keeps you healthy, but that doesn’t mean it should be done everywhere. This guy decided that impeding the cabin crew to get a workout in was the best thing to do.

Gains On Planes

Gains On Planes


Boxers On Display

You can’t avoid seeing boxers at some point in your life, but there are places you expect them. A plane seat is probably not one of the places you’d have ever imagined that they’d pop up, and yet, here they are!

Boxers on Display

Boxers on Display


Keeping Things Fresh

Sometimes, people build up a bad odor in their shoes, and something must be done to remediate it. This guy couldn’t take the smell of his shoes anymore and decided that using his air conditioner to blow them out was a good idea.

Keeping Things Fresh

Keeping Things Fresh


A Hole In One

Socks were made to keep feet protected and warm in many different contexts, such as on cold nights or during figure skating. Not only are these feet in a place they shouldn’t be, but they also bear a pair of socks that have seen better days.

A Hole In One

A Hole In One


What’s In That Bag?

People pack all different kinds of stuff in their bags on plane rides, but this one takes protection to new heights. This person was taking no chances and decided to stay in a plastic bag. Hopefully, this didn’t cause suffocation or anything.

What's In That Bag?

What’s In That Bag?


Watch Me Spread

Manspreading can be super annoying because it creates a massive inconvenience for people who simply want to sit comfortably. Here is a guy who just doesn’t care about the needs of anyone else but himself, as he takes things over.

Watch Me Spread

Watch Me Spread


Personal Care… Again

Seriously, what is it that compels people to believe that all acts of body maintenance are acceptable on a plane? There is no world in which it’s OK to sit and clip your toenails on the seat of a plane. Isn’t that obvious?

Personal Care... Again

Personal Care… Again



Doing laundry is an essential task since it helps you to maintain a collection of clean clothes. It seems as if everyone on this flight decided that this was the perfect time to get some of that laundry done for the day.




The Work Never Stops

Sometimes, you can’t help but get some work done when you’re on a plane since you have the time to do it. However, this guy decided to work outside of his allocated space without asking the other person to use the fold-out table.

The Work Never Stops

The Work Never Stops


High Stepper

There are times when you need to find somewhere to put your clothes and shoes, so that they are easily retrievable. It seems whoever owns this stuff shares your sentiment, but the person has a greater sense of entitlement than you ever thought possible.

High Stepper

High Stepper


Being Ourselves

Comfort is one of the most significant indicators of how well a relationship has been going, and more time tends to mean more happiness and relaxation. This couple is very comfortable. Even on a plane, they can just relax and fall asleep the way they probably usually do.

Being Ourselves

Being Ourselves


Hands-On Experience

There are some things that a man just has to do, and being on an airplane is certainly not going to demotivate him. You can use your imagination to figure out what these two were getting up to. It looks like they’re all tuckered out too!

Hands On Experience

Hands On Experience


Time To Exit

It seems as if many people can’t help but find a plane’s exit doors to be unbelievably intriguing. Maybe his foot was just curious, but somehow, it managed to find itself on the exit door handle while he slept.

Time To Exit

Time To Exit


Fancy Footwork

There are many airlines that are kind enough to provide games to allow people to have some fun while they fly. Of course, most people use their hands to play. This person didn’t get the memo and decided to work that foot!

Fancy Footwork

Fancy Footwork


Welcome to the Spot

Isn’t it nice when you go somewhere, and someone is there to give you a warm welcome as you show up? This passenger decided to protect the space for whichever lucky person wanted to come and take a seat.

Welcome to the Spot

Welcome to the Spot


Unbreakable Fortress

Sometimes you need to do what is necessary when you want to keep pesky interruptions away from you to maintain your sanity. This man could not deal with the other passengers on board, so he built himself a makeshift fortress. No one can bug him now!

Unbreakable Fortress

Unbreakable Fortress


Put a Sock in It

If you don’t keep your socks dry, you could have quite an uncomfortable experience when you choose to wear them. This guy knows what’s up, which is why he decided to use the window the way it was intended to be used.

Put A Sock In It

Put A Sock In It


Building Bridges

Sometimes you just want to lay down without a care in the world, so you can fall asleep and relax. If you ever feel that way, remember not to be like this guy who decided that no one should dare pass him.

Building Bridges

Building Bridges


Dressing or Undressing?

Before you go anywhere, you must get dressed and look your best. You can then undress when you return home. It’s hard to tell whether this person is getting dressed or undressing, but it shouldn’t be happening here.

Dressing Or Undressing

Dressing Or Undressing


Come Here Teddy

Sometimes, a hero needs to take a stand to let people know when they’re doing something disruptive or wrong. This hero decided to be that guy buy staging photos, such as this one, to let people realize how annoying they can be.

Come Here Teddy

Come Here Teddy


There’s Just No Way

Some things in life are so crazy that you would never believe them unless you were to see them. This random potty, complete with bodily fluid, must fall under that category, and it must’ve grossed out everyone.

There's Just No Way

There’s Just No Way


Displeased Face

Photo capture allows us to grab moments that would be hard to reimagine or describe to someone else after something happens. However, you should be sure that people even want to have their photo captured, unlike this person next to Nick Offerman.

Displeased Face

Displeased Face


Have You Heard of Headphones?

There’s nothing wrong with choosing to whip out your favorite video game to enjoy for the duration of a very long flight. However, you should never be like this guy who decided to blast his video game at full volume for six hours.

Have You Heard Of Headphones

Have You Heard Of Headphones


A Unique View

Sometimes, you see something that’s a bit out of the ordinary, and you can’t help but appreciate the pleasurable view you see. This was not one of those times for the unfortunate persons who had to deal with this view.

A Unique View

A Unique View