Father Reacts To Rude Teacher Placing A Comment on Child’s Homework

Published on October 8, 2020
Kamdyn Piland is one of the most pleasant second graders that you could ever hope to meet. Whenever he gets home from school, he’s always happy, as if he found treasure in the classroom. Unfortunately, he came home on the verge of tears one day. When his parents asked him what was happening, he tried to shrug it off. After they pressed him enough, Kamdyn revealed his homework sheet from school. The sheet had a written expression of criticism from his teacher, which can only be described as awful. Stick around to find out how this dad addressed the matter.

A Personal Attack

Kamdyn’s father, Chris, reviewed the homework sheet to see what the teacher wrote. The feedback was not even remotely constructive, and it seemed to be nothing more than a personal attack on his child.

A Personal Attack

A Personal Attack

Level-Headed Child

Chris described Kamdyn as a very calm child. He wasn’t hyperactive, nor was he a troublemaker. He didn’t even do some things that others his age enjoyed. Kamdyn’s calm personality made the teacher’s actions very shocking.

Level Headed Child

Level Headed Child


A Puzzling Ordeal

Chris couldn’t understand why things happened the way they did, but he was determined to get to the bottom of the travesty. When the motive came to light, everyone was incredibly shocked about it.

A Puzzling Ordeal

A Puzzling Ordeal


Nothing Out of the Ordinary

Kamdyn attended Valley View Elementary school, which was as normal as you could expect any public school to be. Additionally, while Kamdyn worked his hardest, he was not an overachiever.

Nothing Out Of The Ordinary

Nothing Out Of The Ordinary


Mounting Complaints

As far as Kamdtn’s parents were concerned, he was a well-mannered child who applied himself to the best of his abilities. They never imagined he could be much trouble, but there were several complaints about him.

Mounting Complaints

Mounting Complaints


Interested Pupil

As far as Chris was concerned, Kamdyn was a good student. Kamdyn even did his homework as soon as he could, unlike other kids that try to avoid doing homework at all. His homework approach changed after he got to second grade.

Empty Classroom

Empty Classroom


Making a Change

Chris saw his son’s behavior change, and something needed to be done about it. However, he needed to understand the root cause of Kamdyn’s problem before he could try to help the right way.

Making A Change

Making A Change


What Was the Struggle?

Chris couldn’t tell what was going on, but he knew that something was off. Kamdyn was far from unintelligent, but it seemed like he just couldn’t cope the way he used to.

What Was The Struggle?

What Was The Struggle?


The Infamous Alyssa Bohenek

Kamdyn’s teacher, Alyssa Rupp Bohenek, is the one who wrote the harsh critique. Her note indicated that the child answered 13 questions in three minutes, which she described as pathetic and sad.

The Infamous Alyssa Bohenek

The Infamous Alyssa Bohenek


Picking on Kamdyn

Bohenek was known as a tough teacher to please, and Kamdyn was not in her good books. According to Kamdyn, she always micromanaged and attacked him. She also routinely wrote harsh warnings to reprimand him.

Picking On Kamdyn

Picking On Kamdyn


Handling Low Grades

Parents need to remember to check in with their children on grades. You never want your child to be the one performing poorly, so take the time to catch and remedy the problem early.

Handling Low Grades

Handling Low Grades


Take a Calm Approach

You may think tough love is the way to make things better, but that’s not true. The best way to fix things is to spend time with the child and offer assistance.

Take A Calm Approach

Take A Calm Approach


Constructive Beats Destructive

Adults take destructive criticism hard enough, so what do you think it does to the impressionable minds of children? If you want to change the child’s performance for the better, try adopting a constructive format.

Constructive Beats Destructive

Constructive Beats Destructive


Long Term Damage

When you level any kind of criticism at a child, you can permanently alter confidence and self-esteem. This principle applies even more strongly when the source of the criticism is someone the child regards very highly.

Long Term Damage

Long Term Damage


Multi-Layered Job

Teachers are supposed to do more than teach academic lessons. The job also involves good mentorship and being a superb role model. Unfortunately, many teachers didn’t get that memo, and so they fail at it miserably.

Multi-Layered Job

Multi-Layered Job


Strong Leadership

A good teacher is also one who is a good leader. Such a quality allows them to motivate their students to be the best versions of themselves. Bohenek, unfortunately, was not embodying any of these principles.

Smiling Teacher Near The Board

Smiling Teacher Near The Board


Unnecessary Comment

Chris was understandably upset when he saw the comment that the teacher leveled at his son. It was very unnecessary, and it seemed to do nothing more than hurt Kamdyn. A constructive approach would’ve been better.

Unnecessary Comment

Unnecessary Comment


Suboptimal Circumstances

Like any good parent would, Chris wanted his son to do well at school. Unfortunately, the grim situation dimmed the light of hope for this outcome. If anything, Kamdyn was being pushed to a dark place.

Suboptimal Circumstances

Suboptimal Circumstances


A Series of Incidents

Sometimes, a child gets a negative comment, and a parent overlooks it. Chris would’ve done the same thing; however, he noticed a trend. It started at the beginning of the school year.

A Series Of Incidents

A Series Of Incidents


An Attack on Kamdyn

Chris stated that he would’ve addressed the matter with his son if the comments were fair. Since they were not, however, he decided to speak with the teacher in person about them.

An Attack On Kamdyn

An Attack On Kamdyn


Failure Isn’t Improbable

The reality is that sometimes students do poorly. However, teachers shouldn’t insult a student as a solution. The idea should be to help the child to grow academically and not using words like “pathetic.”

Failure Isn't Improbable

Failure Isn’t Improbable


Facebook In The Mix

Chris was intent on getting back at the teacher for Kamdyn’s misfortune. Therefore, he turned to social media and posted about the ordeal on Facebook. The public then got to weigh in.

Facebook In The Mix

Facebook In The Mix


Viral Status

The post went viral, and the whole country was seemingly interested in the awful incident. The post garnered a lot of support from people who were outraged at the injustice. People were commenting and sharing everywhere.

Viral Status

Viral Status


Heavy Condemnation

It seemed as if everyone who decided to leave a comment was outraged by the teacher’s behavior. There were many opinions, and Chris and Kamdyn felt vindicated from the overwhelming level of support from the commenters.

Heavy Condemnation

Heavy Condemnation


The Response Was Out of Line

Chris wasn’t an unreasonable man. He knew that students couldn’t always do well. The problem that he had was with the harsh and harmful response the teacher gave.

The Response Was Out Of Line

The Response Was Out Of Line


Learning Is Fundamental

It’s hard to quantify the value of learning, as it determines how people approach life. Children need a healthy learning space to gain all the information they need to get through their developmental stages.

Learning Is Fundamental

Learning Is Fundamental


The Petition

Chris initially felt like he got the justice he needed from the overwhelming response to his post. However, one passionate person decided to get a petition started to have Alyssa Rupp Bohenek fired from her position.

The Petition

The Petition


Serious Implications for Alyssa

While Chris never saw the petition coming, he was happy for the support. For Alyssa, the petition meant that she could lose her livelihood. She needed to act fast to stay afloat.

Serious Implications For Alyssa

Serious Implications For Alyssa


A Second Petition

Over 10,000 people signed the initial petition in what seemed like no time at all. However, some teachers and others came to Bohenek’s defense. A second petition got set up for her to stay employed.

A Second Petition

A Second Petition


Kamdyn’s Feelings

Kamdyn was the one initially affected by the ordeal, so it made sense to hear about how it affected him. He stated that Bohenek made him mad, upset, and sad. He also said her actions were mean.

Kamdyn's Feelings

Kamdyn’s Feelings


A Hurt Young Child

Kamdyn was seven years old, and many children his age would struggle to articulate the more painful feelings they feel. However, he could clearly indicate that he felt heartbroken. He was also angry each time he remembered it.

A Hurt Young Child

A Hurt Young Child


No Proper Apology

Chris sent his concern to the teacher over what she had done. Instead of replying with an apology, she replied with a message saying she was sorry he felt that way over the matter.

No Proper Apology

No Proper Apology


She Kept Her Job

Eventually, the school’s management got wind of the complaint, and it did not sit well. However, after meetings and deliberation, the team advised that Bohenek would be reprimanded, but she could keep her job.

She Kept Her Job

She Kept Her Job


Updating the Masses

Chris decided to update the interested parties on his Facebook post since they stood behind him. He thanked everyone for the support and noted that the school was investigating the offensive teacher.

Updating The Masses

Updating The Masses


Minniti’s Comments

Rose Minniti, who was the school’s superintendent, was the one who confirmed the investigation would happen. She indicated that the investigation’s result would be in the interest of the child, and it would consider the employee’s need for protection.

Minniti's Comments

Minniti’s Comments


The Internet Isn’t Done

The petition garnered over 20,000 signatures, and people worldwide still want the teacher fired. They’ve committed to vowing that Kamdyn receives true justice, so they have no intention of letting up on the matter.

The Internet Isn't Done

The Internet Isn’t Done


Some People Blamed Chris

Not everyone agrees on things on social media. As expected, some thought Chris was to blame for Kamdyn’s misfortune. The comments stated that he needed to spend more time with his son and not on posts online.

Some People Blamed Chris

Some People Blamed Chris


No Homework Help

Others stated that if Chris tried harder to help his son with the assignment, the teacher wouldn’t have had a reason to say such a mean thing. Still, most people agreed that the teacher was out of line.

No Homework Help

No Homework Help


Hormones Present

Investigations revealed that Bohenek was pregnant. Many people used this news to justify her behavior, citing rampant hormones as the cause of her action. They believed that it was nothing more than a side effect of pregnancy.

Hormones Present

Hormones Present


Changing for the Future

When everything ended, Bohenek still kept her job. However, it appears something changed, as she pledged to never behave like that again. Many people suspect she was given a verbal or written warning.

Changing For The Future

Changing For The Future