These Are The Funniest Fishing Photos Captured Right In Time

Published on June 24, 2019
There’s nothing quite as relaxing as heading out to some open waters and going fishing. The calm and serenity is therapeutic. However, sometimes things don’t go as planned. These people’s fishing experience was a little out of the ordinary.

Fishing On A Floatie

This man’s granddaughter decided to gift him with this inflatable giraffe, and being the good grandfather that he is, he immediately inflated it and took it with him on his morning fishing trip.

Fishing On A Floatie

Fishing On A Floatie

Fishing For The Reception

This bride wanted everything about her wedding to be completely DIY, right down to the catering. Instead of hiring an expensive company to provide the food for her wedding reception, she decided to take a quick trip to the beach nearby in order to catch some fresh fish for her guests.

Fishing For The Reception

Fishing For The Reception


He Found His Twin

Many of us wish we could have a twin sibling. Wouldn’t it be cool to impersonate one another and trick people? This guy may not have a twin sibling, but he’s lucky enough to have found his twin in fish form! The resemblance is uncanny!

He Found His Twins

He Found His Twin


Well, That’s Awkward

While the nature preservation committee has the best intention at heart, it seems as though they may have put up this sign a bit too late. They may have wanted to protect the wildlife from fishermen, but there seems to be no water to be found in this area at all. Awkward!

Well, That's Awkward

Well, That’s Awkward


I Got You

Nothing says friendship like truly supporting one another. In this case, things were taken quite literally. This guy decided he’s had enough of fishing rods and decided to catch the fish with his bare hands. Luckily, his best friend was right by his side to hold him as he went bare-hand fishing.

I Got You

I Got You


One Fish, Two Fish

This guy was really hoping to catch two massive fish today, but unfortunately was only able to catch one. Luckily, his girlfriend was a good sport and helped him take a victory photo anyway.

One Fish, Two Fish

One Fish, Two Fish


Fish N’ Slide

This guy has managed to find a way to combine his two favorite hobbies into one: fishing and slip n’ sliding! The only catch (no pun intended!) is that in order to successfully fish n’ slide, you must have a fish that’s strong enough and also willing to participate. Looks like fun!

Slip N' Slide

Fish N’ Slide


Fishing In The Rain

Some people are truly dedicated to their passions. Rain or shine, they come through no matter what. This guy is no exception, and has taken this flood as an extra opportunity to go fishing. You know what they say, when there’s a will, there’s a way to fish.

Fishing In The Rain

Fishing In The Rain


Celebrity Fish

If you’re not big into fishing, you might not know this, but the fish you are looking at right now is quite famous. You can tell because he’s prepping for his big interview with Big Blue News, where he’ll share details on how he’s made a career of avoiding fishing rods.

Celebrity Fish

Celebrity Fish


What Sign?

A unique characteristic about fishing enthusiasts that many people might not know is their sheer determinism. While some may say disobeying the law is immoral, they just see it as overcoming an obstacle. In this case, we guess they could argue that they did not see the sign at all.

What Sign?

What Sign?


Eyes On The Prize

This guy really knows how to get his head in the game, literally. He decided to be one with the fishing net, and even wore a mini version on his head in order to really increase his good juju energy. It looks like it worked, judging from the fish he caught!

Eyes On The Prize

Eyes On The Prize


Getting Into Character

They say that in order to make success happen, you have to visualize yourself succeeding first. This guy truly took this advice to heart, and decided to be one with the fish before trying to catch them. The only is, after spending so much time with the fish, he befriended them, ending his fishing days for good.

Getting Into Character

Getting Into Character


There’s Something In The Way

It looks like what was supposed to be a relaxing day at sea took a turn for the worse when they accidentally boated directly over this rock formation. Oops! Luckily, these rafters were nearby and were able to offer support, both moral and physical.

There's Something In The Way

There’s Something In The Way


I Dream Of Fishies

There’s an expression that goes “Don’t dream it, be it.” This guy took this way too literally and decided to try to make his dream of becoming the world’s most successful fisherman a reality. We hope that this nightly ritual helped him out!

I Dream Of Fishies

I Dream Of Fishies


Fish Flops

Some people like to leave their jobs at the office, and some people really like to take work home with them. This fisherman loves fish so much that he even chooses to accessorize with fish. This is his latest addition to his collection, fish flops. We wonder if this trend will catch on?

Fish Flops

Fish Flops


Local Fishing Pond

When life gives you lemons, you gotta go fishing. This man was not able to go to his local pond in order to go fishing, but that didn’t stop him! He found this deep puddle and decided to take advantage of this gift that nature gave him. We hope he found something good!

Local Fishing Pond

Local Fishing Pond


Hey, This Isn’t Disney

When the latest hurricane hit Florida, this family’s Disney vacation plan was sadly cancelled. John and Mindy decided to try to make it up to their kids by taking them on a fishing trip. We’re sure that the kids would have preferred Disney, but hey, at least the parents tried their best!

Hey, This Isn't Disney

Hey, This Isn’t Disney


Patch Of Grass

Amanda told her boyfriend that she’s found the perfect island for a nice fishing getaway. Little did he know that when she said “island” she was being a bit too literal when referring to this tiny patch of grass in the middle of the lake. But hey, at least she managed to catch something!

Patch Of Grass

Patch Of Grass


This Is Not A Drill

To some, fishing is a fun pastime. To others, fishing is a lifestyle. Andrea does not mess around when it comes to fishing, and her motto is “go big or go home.” Looks like she was able to fulfill her motto this time, as this fish is nearly bigger than she is!

This Is Not A Drill

This Is Not A Drill


Fish Lifting

Although certain types of fish do get heavy, this woman must feel bad about missing her morning workout since she decided to use this fish as a makeshift barbell. Someone needs to tell her that she needs to work on her bicep curl form!

Fish Lifting

Fish Lifting


Upside Down Fishing

While this woman has certainly perfected keeping still while fishing, maybe she’s stay a bit too still. The water is so still that it almost looks as though the world has turned upside down and she’s standing in the middle of the sky, fishing from way above!

Upside Down Fishing

Upside Down Fishing


Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

They say age is but a number, and this man truly believes in that expression. Just because he needs to use a walker in order to get around, that does not mean that he has to give up his favorite pastime of fishing! In fact, the walker has a dual purpose and even doubles as a stand to prop the fishing rod onto.

Can't Stop, Won't Stop

Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop


Fishing In Comfort

Now these people have the right idea! Just because you’re out in nature, doesn’t mean you can’t be comfortable, right? They’ve managed to get the whole living room setup onto their canoe, and they sure look like they’re living it up. Hey guys, we want to join too!

Fishing In Comfort

Fishing In Comfort


Fishing Bridge, Or Not?

Welcome to the fishing bridge! There’s only one rule here, and that’s…no fishing allowed. While this may seem counterintuitive, the rule exists because too many people came to fish, nearly depleting the lake of all fish that were living there. Maybe they’ll lift the ban one day.

Fishing Bridge, Or Not?

Fishing Bridge, Or Not?


Fishing Therapy

People go fishing for a variety of reasons. Some just love to be outdoors, others like to catch their own dinner. However, most people will agree that fishing is very therapeutic. This man believed this so much, that he decided to name his fishing boat after this very concept.

Fishing Therapy

Fishing Therapy


Fishing At A Bird’s Eye View

Fishing at the beach can get a little tricky, especially when the tides aren’t playing in your favor. This people decided to circumvent this issue altogether. They hired a tow truck to help them out, and now they can easily fish and also have the best view ever!

Fishing At A Bird's Eye View

Fishing At A Bird’s Eye View


The Cats Are Watching

Fishing is a great way to be one with nature while also getting something fresh to cook for dinner. However, these men seem to have a little bit of competition waiting for them. These cats are looking on quite intently, waiting to see if they can capture some of the fish the men caught for themselves.

The Cats Are Watching

The Cats Are Watching


Just Chillin’

Once again, we see that an experienced fisherman has decided to upgrade the fishing lifestyle into something a bit more comfortable. He’s strapped this folding chair onto floating bits of wood to create a makeshift fishing throne for himself. We wonder if it actually stays afloat?

Just Chillin

Just Chillin


That’s Not How That Works

This man learned the hard way that it is super important to check the tides before parking your car near the water. He parked his car in what he thought was a prime parking location on Friday only to come back at the end of the weekend to find his car nearly completely submerged underwater!

That's Not How That Works

That’s Not How That Works


Pool Hack

Who said you can’t have a pool day even though you’re out fishing? This guy wanted to enjoy some time in the pool but also go fishing, so he figured out a way to do both of his favorite activities at the same time! To top it all off, he even made sure to bring a nice cold refreshing drink along with him. This guy really knows how to live.

Pool Hack

Pool Hack


The Fishing Rules

This list of rules seems to start out perfectly normal, but if you keeping reading, things start to get a bit…interesting. We wonder who wrote this sign, was it someone who did not speak English or was it some clever prankster who wanted to be funny? We’ll never know!

The Fishing Rules

The Fishing Rules


Romantic Honeymoon?

This guy really doesn’t know how to plan a romantic getaway the right way. His new wife is already on the phone with a divorce attorney, as any man who would think a fishing trip will do for a honeymoon is no man she should be shackled to by law.

Romantic Honeymoon?

Romantic Honeymoon?


He Really Committed

Adam so excited when he felt a fish catch on to the fishing rod. In fact, it was his first day ever fishing, so he simply could not contain his happiness. So much so that he accidentally jumped off the dock. The fish promptly got away, but Adam was left with a hilarious story afterwards.

He Really Committed

He Really Committed


A Fisherman’s Toilet

Some people are so passionate about their hobbies that they try to incorporate them into every facet of their lives. This fisherman decided to recycle one of his old fishing rod handles into something useful: a toilet paper roll holder! Talk about being crafty.

A Fisherman's Toilet

A Fisherman’s Toilet


Not Today

If this guy would have managed to pull of this catch, everyone would have been seriously impressed. This massive fish would have broken records, but unfortunately its will to live was simply too strong, and not only did the fish get away, he nearly pulled this man overboard with him!

Not Today

Not Today


Hey, At Least He Tried

This guy wanted to improve his positioning and he thought he had come up with a clever hack to do this. However, he found himself walking the plank more than he expected when it snapped in two pieces, dropping him into the water without any fish to show for his efforts.

Hey, At Least He Tried

Hey, At Least He Tried


Portable Ruler

Sometimes when people go fishing, they like to record the size of the fish that they’ve caught. This guy would always forget to take a tape measurer out with him to the water, so he decided to bring a permanent ruler along with him everywhere he goes from now on.

Portable Ruler

Portable Ruler


Reuse Reduce Recycle!

Who said fishermen don’t recycle? Here’s a perfect example for a DIY project that any fishing enthusiast can try. These bottle cap fishing hooks are easy to make and are very useful. The best part of this project? You need lots of bottle caps, so start drinking!

Reuse Reduce Recycle!

Reuse Reduce Recycle!


A Bird’s Nest For The Fish

Sometimes, in order to become better versions of ourselves, we can look to nature to find examples. This guy saw a bird’s nest and had an idea to try the next time he went fishing. He decided to try recreating a bird’s nest and adding it onto his fishing rod in order to trap more than one fish at once. We wonder if his experiment worked!

A Bird's Nest For The Fish

A Bird’s Nest For The Fish


Instant Stand

When this guy realized he forgot his fishing rod stands at home, he suddenly came up with a brilliant idea. Since he had been going to Acro-Yoga for months, he decided to incorporate some of those skills into his fishing trip by becoming his own fishing rod stand!


Instant Stand


Losing His Boots

Tommy was so excited about catching this giant fish, that he literally jumped out of his boots. Once he got home, he realized that he could not find the boots anywhere. When he came to check on the fish later, he saw that the fish was trying to get his revenge by devouring the boots in one bite.

Losing His Boots

Losing His Boots


Got His Eye On The Prize

This man was so excited to catch his very first fish that while his friend was snapping this photo. His friend tried to warn him about the bear behind him, but he was feeling so smug that he didn’t even listen to what his friend was saying. Luckily, the bear was only interested in the fish, so he snatched it and ran away, leaving the man stunned but unharmed.

Got His Eye On The Prize

Got His Eye On The Prize


This Is My Spot

Aaron decided to take his boat a bit further than he usually does, just to explore what’s out beyond his hangout spot. He very quickly found out why no other boats go beyond the area, as a very territorial alligator was waiting for him once he crossed too far. Luckily, he was able to speed away without any damage.

This Is My Spot

This Is My Spot


Sewer Fishin’

Some people love fishing but don’t have the luxury of living near a lake or a pond. That means having to get creative sometimes, just like this duo have done. The brothers decided to have an adventure and attempted fishing in the sewer. They’d find out the hard way that they really didn’t want to catch anything swimming down there.

Sewer Fishin'

Sewer Fishin’