These Are All The Different Ways Aluminum Foil Could Save Your Life

Published on December 22, 2019
If you are like most of us, you are constantly on the search for ways to make your life easier. Well, we hear you, and we have found a ton of hacks that will save your life, all by using aluminum foil…yes, we are serious. You probably don’t think much about the aluminum foil that is probably in your kitchen drawer or pantry, but there is so much you can do with it…including the following:
Aluminum Foil Hacks

Aluminum Foil Hacks

Keep Bananas Fresh

Bananas are one the only fruits that protect insect attacks because of its peel. However, the skin contains reactive agents inside that cause it go go bad quickly. Strangely enough, aluminum foil can slow down the process of rotting by reducing air contact. All you have to do is put aluminum foil around the top of the stem area. The bunch of bananas will work with the foil to keep your fruit fresh for up to a week and sometimes longer.

Banana Bunch With Foil Over The Stem

Banana Bunch With Foil Over The Stem


Natural Light Dispensers

Do you have a drawer or shelf that’s deep? If so, it probably doesn’t get a lot of light. This is ideal for cockroaches, but it also makes it harder for you to see what’s available. Consider putting aluminum foil on the shelves or the bottom of the drawer. It reflects the light, which will get into the corners. Therefore, the darkness is dispelled, and you can see what you need.

Cabinet Shelves Lined With Aluminum Foil

Cabinet Shelves Lined With Aluminum Foil


Makeshift Cookie Cutters

Have you ever wanted to let your creativity shine and didn’t want to spend a fortune on new cookie cutters you’ll only use once? With aluminum foil, you can make your own. Plus, you aren’t limited to ‘traditional’ shapes and can come up with monsters or anything you can imagine. This is a great way to get the kids involved and help them get more creative. Just take a long strip of foil and fold, curve, and mold it to get the shape you want.

Creative Cookie Cutters Made With Aluminum Foil

Creative Cookie Cutters Made With Aluminum Foil 


Prevent Ice Cream Messes

Children are notorious for being messy with everything, but when it comes to eating ice cream, you have to pay close attention to them. Melted ice cream can make for sticky hands and stain their clothes. No one wants that! When you get ice cream, first wrap it with aluminum foil. This creates a barrier between their hands and the cone/stick. That way, the melting ice cream gets collected in the foil ‘cup’ you created!

Melting Ice Cream Treat Wrapped In Foil

Melting Ice Cream Treat Wrapped In Foil


Boost Radiator Efficiency

When you’ve been outside in the cold, you want a toasty place to come to when you get inside the house. Traditional radiators might not be enough, and expensive upgrades might not be in the budget. Instead, your solution may be to wrap aluminum foil around some cardboard. Put it behind the heat source to reflect heat to the whole room. The radiator becomes more efficient, and you warm up the entire house.

Foil Behind A Radiator

Foil Behind A Radiator


De-Grime Your Iron

You’ve probably had this happen to you before. You’re running late for work, and you notice a wrinkle in your shirt. You whip it off and pull out the iron to fix it so that you look your best. However, what if your iron is dirty, rusted, or grimy? All that gunk gets on your appliance, that’s what! The solution is simple. Roll aluminum foil into a ball and scrub away. Make sure that it is on and hot so that it is all cleaned away.

Ball Of Aluminum Foil Next To An Iron

Ball Of Aluminum Foil Next To An Iron 


Move Furniture Without Scratching the Floor

You probably love your couch, chairs, and bed frames, but your hardwood floors don’t! When it comes time to rearrange the house, you may not be able to pick it up and move it. What do you do? Often, you’ll drag it across the floor, leaving scuffs and scratches. Enter aluminum foil. Fold some up and put it under each of the furniture legs. It’s easier to drag and leaves no marks!

Furniture With A Piece Of Aluminum Foil Under The Leg

Furniture With A Piece Of Aluminum Foil Under The Leg


Fix The WiFi

Have you noticed that your phone won’t pick up the home’s WiFi? This can be quite aggravating. You’ve probably tried many things, such as restarting the router, rebooting the system, and more, but nothing worked. In this case, the hardware probably isn’t the problem. You may have a weak signal. It’s common, and you can fix it. Just take a greeting card and wrap it in aluminum foil. Put it right in front of the router to strengthen the connections.

Wifi Router With Aluminum Foil Around It

Wifi Router With Aluminum Foil Around It


Seal Plastic Bags

How often does it happen that you go to the store for a few essentials and end up with much more than you needed? Probably often. The extras aren’t necessarily a problem until you open the cabinet, and an open chip bag falls out, spilling everything. While there are many ways to reseal bags, all you really need is a long strip of aluminum foil and your hot iron. If you liked this expert life-hack, wait until you see the next one!

Foil Topped Plastic Bag Being Sealed By An Iron

Foil Topped Plastic Bag Being Sealed By An Iron


De-Gunk Glue Guns

The hot glue coming from your glue gun gives you the power to stick and seal almost anything. However, these devices don’t really have the best dispensing system, so a layer of adhesive is likely to stay on the tip. It’s too hot to handle when heated, but the glue dries at room temperature. Aluminum foil comes to the rescue. Scrape away all the dried paste in a matter of seconds.

Ball Of Aluminum Foil Cleaning A Glue Gun

Ball Of Aluminum Foil Cleaning A Glue Gun 


Protect Your Door Knobs

Most people like to repaint their homes periodically to keep it looking fresh and mix things up. However, when it comes time to paint your door, you may worry about getting paint all over the lock. Aluminum foil can be crinkled around the knob and deadbolt to protect from any wayward paint strokes. Any paint drippings will get onto the foil and will dry there. Then, you can remove the foil and discard it without worrying about paint getting where it shouldn’t.

Doorknob And Deadbolt Covered In Foil

Doorknob And Deadbolt Covered In Foil 


Barbecue The Easy Way

BBQ meals are one of the easiest and most fun ways to cook. However, it can leave a significant mess when it comes time to clean the grill. No one wants to scrub away for hours after a delicious meal. Plus, the grease could fall to the coals and ruin the flavor. Instead, stack up some aluminum foil layers and put them on the cold grill to prevent drips. If you do have anything to clean up, dip the foil into some soapy water and clean the rack in just a few minutes.

Foil Packet On The Grill

Foil Packet On The Grill 


Turn an Old Mirror Into A Focal Point

Mirrors are quite the trend in interior design right now. They can add light, an interesting design, and make the room appear bigger. However, the reflective layers on the mirror can change with time, and you might notice spots. You could buy reflective paint, but that’s similar to the silvery surface of the foil. Just take a strip and tape it to the frame to hide unsightly spots.

Reflective Mirror

Reflective Mirror


Protect Your Plants

Gardens are beautiful, but often you have to worry about insect attacks. Though mulch can protect from some assaults, it might not be enough. It might be a good idea to keep some aluminum foil around the house to help prevent insects from eating the plants. The metal can prevent bacteria from attacking the plants, but it also keeps bugs away. The foil also reflects sunlight, which means the plants get more natural light.

Aluminum Foil Around A Plant

Aluminum Foil Around A Plant


Enjoy The Flames Without The Mess

It’s well-known that aluminum can withstand high temperatures, so it’s great around the hearth or fireplace. If you have one, you can help to keep it clean and tidy. You can remove soot, ash, and the semi-burned fuels that no one wants to see. For holidays, such as Christmas, you can also use layers of foil to create a platform, which can be removed. Just make it as tall as you’d like, and remove it when it gets dirty or the holiday is over.

Warm Feet By The Fire

Warm Feet By The Fire


Don’t Patch Your Ironing Board

The easiest way to fix a rip in your favorite pair of jeans is to put a patch on it. Of course, you could just let the tear go, as that’s the fashion nowadays. If you’d like to patch it because you don’t like the extra airflow or you think patches are stylish, there is a slight risk. The spot could stick to your ironing board while you’re trying to get it on your clothes. A tiny bit of aluminum foil can help. Just slip the foil underneath the hole to form a heat barrier to prevent sticking.

Person Wearing Patched Jeans

Person Wearing Patched Jeans


Garden Sun Bed

If your plant is situated in areas with low sunlight, it’s not likely to survive long. You may be able to change its position if it’s potted, but if you don’t want to or it’s impossible, a sun bed is quite handy. You could go out and buy a special plant sun bed, but aluminum foil works well, too. Take a box and cut off one of the sides, covering the rest with foil. Put a three-sided reflector beside your pot and make sure it catches the sunlight. The plant will get more light and thrive.

Potted Plant Surrounded By Aluminum Foil

Potted Plant Surrounded By Aluminum Foil


Aluminum Foil Fishing Lure

Those who enjoy fishing are sure to know that fish are attracted to sunlight. Have you ever thought of harnessing the sun as bait instead of using worms? It might sound crazy, but this trick is proven to work. Wrap some foil around your fish hook, and the fish will swarm it within a matter of moments! This is an excellent tip that most people can’t wait to try. However, this next life-hack may make you swoon.

Aluminum Foil As The Fishing Lure

Aluminum Foil As The Fishing Lure 


No More Static

Although you might think this is a crazy idea, you can use aluminum foil in the dryer in order to eliminate static post-wash. Next time you put in a load of laundry, try throwing in a ball of aluminum foil. It will absorb the static electricity, eliminating the unpleasant feeling from your clothes.

No More Static

No More Static


Save the Paint, Create More

Whether you’re an amateur or professional artist, you are still likely to have the same issue. You lose the cap to your paint box/can, which means the paint gets too much air and eventually dries out. Aluminum foil is an excellent makeshift cap. Just fold the foil and put it on the jar. Crimp it down around it to prevent air from ruining your paint. You can also use foil as a paint palette in a pinch.

Aluminum Foil Jar Toppers

Aluminum Foil Jar Toppers


Where’s My Frying Pan?

Though you probably won’t lose your favorite frying pan, you may not want to take it on a camping trip. Sometimes, you may not want to pack it because it’s bulky and takes up too much space. A roll of aluminum foil is much smaller and easier to transport. Just stack a few pieces of the foil on top of each other and bend them into the shape of a pan. Voila! You can cook your favorite campfire foods without fear.

Aluminum Foil Pan Or Pot

Aluminum Foil Pan Or Pot 


Don’t Replace the Vinyl Tile

Vinyl tiles, like those in the bathroom, can come loose over time. However, you don’t have to renovate the entire place or replace them all because of this flaw. All you have to do is put the tile back in place with the right adhesive and then cover it with aluminum foil. Use your iron on the foil to generate enough heat. This warms up the adhesive and will ‘set’ the vinyl tile in position so that it doesn’t come loose.

Man Installing Vinyl Tile

Man Installing Vinyl Tile


Homemade RFID Covers

You’ve probably seen those wallets and slipcovers that promise to protect your RFID credit card. While they are sure to work, they can get expensive. Instead, you can create a makeshift pouch with aluminum foil and slide the card into it. The foil acts as a barrier so that scanners can’t read the card data. If you take the time, you can also ensure that the foil pouch fits into your wallet, which means no one is even aware that you have it.

Foil RFID Card Pouches

Foil RFID Card Pouches


Amateur Photography Turned Professional with This Hack

Are you a beginner photographer? You may find that lighting is your most annoying problem. You may not be able to afford high-end flashes, but you don’t have to deal with underexposed images. Aluminum foil can help you. Just wrap a couple of foil sheets around some cardboard. Then, use it to focus the light on the subject you’re trying to capture. Now that you know how to create awesome photos check out the next tip about matchsticks!

Person Holding Aluminum Foil Reflector

Person Holding Aluminum Foil Reflector


Keep Your Matches Dry

With the discovery of fire came the annoyance of trying to make it easier to create the flames. Stones and flint don’t cut it in today’s fast-paced world. Now, it’s easier to buy a box of match sticks at the store. However, you need to keep it dry so that it works when you need it more. Aluminum foil is the best option. Roll your match sticks in the foil ahead of time so that they don’t get wet.

Matchstick Heads Wrapped In Foil

Matchstick Heads Wrapped In Foil


Sharpen Scissors

Remember when it took you forever to cut a piece of paper because the scissors were blunt? You probably shred the paper more than you cut it. This problem won’t happen again as long as you have aluminum foil in the kitchen. When you notice that your scissors seem dull, just take some foil and cut it with your scissors. After a bit of time, the cuts get smoother because the scissors are sharper.

Scissors Cutting Aluminum Foil

Scissors Cutting Aluminum Foil


 Protect Your Soap

Cleaning your hands is essential, and you probably do it a lot during the day. However, if you use bar soap, you know that messy residue that’s left behind. It causes the soap to slip around and makes your dish sticky. Aluminum foil can help. Take a small strip and put it underneath the bar. It keeps its shape better and also increases how long it can be used. Plus, the foil can absorb any harmful chemicals, which will be gentler on your skin.

Soap With Aluminum Foil On The Back

Soap With Aluminum Foil On The Back


Polish Your Jewelry

No ensemble is complete without the jewelry to match. Clearly, you need it to be shiny and clean, but you can’t throw it into the washing machine with your clothes. Now, you don’t have to go to a professional jeweler to have it all cleaned. You can do it at home with some aluminum foil and soapy water. Pick your favorite liquid soap, swish it in water, and plop in a small ball of aluminum foil. Then, watch the jewelry’s shine come back.

Gold Bracelet In Soapy Water With Floating Aluminum Foil

Gold Bracelet In Soapy Water With Floating Aluminum Foil


Cover The Brush

If you’re painting the house or just a room, you aren’t likely to get done in a day. However, you don’t want to have to clean the brush each time you need a break. Wrap some aluminum foil around your paintbrush right before you step away. The foil keeps the brush and paint moist so that it’s easy to pick back up and continue working. If you enjoyed this tip, you’re sure to be impressed with the next one!

Paint Brush Full Of Paint

Paint Brush Full Of Paint 


Power Your Solar Garden Lights

Sun is the primary energy source for solar power, and it is ideal for gardens and walkways. However, many products on the market aren’t the best at soaking up the sun’s rays and illuminating the space all night. You may also want to avoid buying solar-powered lights. Regardless, find a beautiful light fixture and attach some foil to it. You can get creative so that it looks pretty. Adjust the foil to reflect the light of the equipment to give you more illumination.

Outside Light With Foil Reflectors

Outside Light With Foil Reflectors


Amazing Cake Decorations

If you’ve been to a bakery recently, you may be amazed at the beautiful treats on display. It’s likely that you’ll want to go home and create a similar concoction, but is it even possible? Do you need expensive tools? The answer is yes, but you can manage without them if you have some aluminum foil in the house. You can cut it, wrap it, and shape the foil to get the right shape. Then, just coat it with icing, cream, or something else. Just make sure that the guests know not to eat it.

Fancy Decorated Cake

Fancy Decorated Cake 


Perfectly Curled Hair

Hot curlers can help you get those curly locks, but they aren’t without some risk. For one, they can burn your hair, but they can also burn the forehead and hands. The good news is that aluminum foil conducts heat effectively, so you can use it to avoid burning yourself. When you’re styling your hair for a big event, use foil layers over the hot curlers to make it fast and safer. If this tip was interesting, wait until you see the next one!

Before And After With Foil 'Hot Curlers'

Before And After With Foil ‘Hot Curlers’ 


Homemade Stylus

Do you find that you always seem to lose the stylus of your phone when you need it most? If you’re one who dislikes touching the screen, you may want to consider a stylus. However, they can be quite expensive, and you can find an easy lifestyle hack. Just put a bit of foil on the tip of a stick or pen and use it as a stylus. You don’t have to run to the electronics store to get one; just head into your kitchen.

Pencil Turned Into A Stylus

Pencil Turned Into A Stylus 


Stream on Your Phone Faster

Some people have claimed that aluminum foil can improve the WiFi signal on your phone. You might find that putting some foil on your phone can help boost the signal and allow you to stream videos more easily. Though it looks silly, you may not mind much when you don’t have to suffer through the ‘buffering.’

Aluminum Foil On The Corner Of A Smartphone

Aluminum Foil On The Corner Of A Smartphone


Polish Up That Chrome

Chrome is the preferred choice for shine and corrosion resistance. However, it is still metal, so it is likely to become rusty or lose its sheen at some point in its life. If you’ve noticed that yours is no longer ‘shiny,’ take a ball of aluminum foil to it. Scrub away the rust and grime. The process is quick, and you’ll renew the look of the item. Plus, chrome is scratch-resistant, so you don’t have to worry about dealing with a scratched surface.

Aluminum Foil Removing Rust On Chrome

Aluminum Foil Removing Rust On Chrome


No More Non-Stick Spray

It’s so hard to cook steak or eggs on a non-stick pan because you have to use a spray. Though oil or butter can also work, you may be trying to cook and eat healthier. Sticking is annoying because you waste food, and you have to clean the pan. However, there is an easier way! Just wrap your pan with aluminum foil and then add the food and heat. You don’t have to worry about sticking or extra cleaning.

Homemade Aluminum Foil Pan Protection

Homemade Aluminum Foil Pan Protection


Self-Cleaning Oven With Aluminum Foil

If you cook or bake a lot, you’re sure to spill things inside the oven. This leads to stinky ‘burnt’ smells and extra cleaning time. Instead, you can use aluminum foil on the rack below what you’re cooking. That way, if it bubbles up, it will fall to the foil and not the oven. Just remove the foil after you’ve made food and toss it in the trash. Just make sure that you don’t cover the bottom of the oven.

Rack Of Oven With Aluminum Foil To Catch Spills

Rack Of Oven With Aluminum Foil To Catch Spills 


Let Them Eat Pie Crusts

Those who want to do everything from scratch will want to bake their own pie crusts. However, the annoyance of having an overly browned (or burnt) crust with a perfectly done filling is beyond contemplation. Just take some foil strips (you may need multiple long pieces that are attached), and put it around the crust during the baking process. It will still get done, but it won’t burn. If this tip has you excited, just wait until you see the next one.

Homemade Foil 'Ring' For Pie Crusts

Homemade Foil ‘Ring’ For Pie Crusts


You Don’t Need a Cake Pan

Whether you have seemed to have misplaced every cake pan in the house or you want a specific shape, aluminum foil comes to the rescue again. You can create any shape, such as a bunny rabbit or a favorite cartoon character. Make whatever shape you desire and then put it on a large baking pan. Pour in your cake batter and bake it as normal. If you’re using small ‘cakes,’ it might be best to shorten baking times and keep checking for doneness.

Heart Shaped Pan Made Out Of Aluminum Foil

Heart Shaped Pan Made Out Of Aluminum Foil


Save Money, Freeze Leftovers

Those who are planning to freeze meat, fish, or bread may want to have aluminum foil. It prevents the smells from permeating into the whole freezer and preserves taste. It’s best to use multiple layers of foil for this process and make sure that the top is covered, as well. Then, when it is time to take out the leftovers and heat them up, all you have to do is throw the whole thing into the oven.

Aluminum Foil Wrapped Items For Freezer

Aluminum Foil Wrapped Items For Freezer


Preserve Your Steel Wool

Steel wool is a great tool, but once you’ve used it, you can’t take it back to its original shape and form. You’ll use it for a while, and then it will become rusty and grimy after a couple of rounds with the dishes. If that happens, don’t throw it out. Wrap it in aluminum foil and put it in your freezer. It will increase the life of your steel wool, which saves you money because you don’t have to buy it so often.

Aluminum Foil And Steel Wool

Aluminum Foil And Steel Wool 


Sleep in a Dry Sleeping Bag

If you’re camping with the family, you’ll need a restful sleep after a long day. Tight sleeping bags could cause you to sweat more at night, causing unwanted moisture. To prevent this problem, lay a longer piece of aluminum foil under your body when you get into the sleeping bag. That way, you’ll have a good night’s sleep and will be dry in the morning. This was a great tip to consider, but the next one might be even better!

Person Outside Tent In Sleeping Bag

Person Outside Tent In Sleeping Bag


Liner for the Roller Pan

Paint rollers can be a lifesaver, but cleaning them can be a real pain. Therefore, it’s ideal to use plastic liners and pans. The problem is the high cost and that it can be bad for the environment. Instead, you can easily save money and solve your problems. Make the roller pan using aluminum foil. You will save money because you don’t have to keep buying them each time and can just ball it up and throw it in the trash.

Roller Pan Covered In Foil

Roller Pan Covered In Foil


Skinning Paint Prevention

If you’re someone who likes DIY projects, you’ve probably run into the annoyance of skinning paint. This happens when you leave out a can of it for a few days. When you don’t put the lid back on tightly, the paint can solidify, which causes a mess and ruins the next paint job. Aluminum foil can prevent this problem. Just cut a bit of foil and put it in the paint can. Blow air into the can while closing the lid, and there won’t be any oxidation.

Aluminum Foil With Paint Cans

Aluminum Foil With Paint Cans


Create Your Own Platter

When you get creative, you may find that you have nothing big enough to hold and showcase it. Now you’re left wondering what to do. All you need is some cardboard and aluminum foil. Wrap the cardboard up in the foil like a present, and now you can present your work of art and get top marks for showmanship. Plus, the foil can help keep the food warm until it’s time to serve it!

Cardboard Sitting On Aluminum Foil

Cardboard Sitting On Aluminum Foil


Improve Outdoor Nighttime Lighting

Many people enjoy sitting on the patio or in the garden at night, but it can be quite hard to see. If you’re admiring the view, you can’t do that in the dark. You’ve probably already got outdoor lighting systems, but they may not be adequate. Let your creativity shine by making a fancy decoration and then putting it somewhere that balances or reflects the light. Use tape to stick it to the table, and your garden is now lit up!

Outdoor Pagoda With Mood Lighting

Outdoor Pagoda With Mood Lighting 


Untangle Plant Cuttings

The problem with having all those seeds is that your plants will start growing, and you’ll need to focus on the cuttings. You’re closer to having a beautiful plant, but you need to focus on this step. It’s best to place your plants in a container and cover it with foil. Poke a few holes in it so moisture and oxygen can get inside. Water will stay in the soil longer, so you won’t have to water it as often.

Plant Cuttings

Plant Cuttings


Protect Tree Trunks

Having beautiful trees in the garden is a blessing, but it can also be a curse. Animals will use the bark for shelter and food, which can cause the tree to die or stunt its growth. When winter comes rearing its ugly head, you should get outside and wrap aluminum foil around the base of your tree trunks. Then, remove it when spring returns. If this sounds like a great hack to try, you will definitely want to check out the next one!

Tree With Aluminum Foil Around It

Tree With Aluminum Foil Around It


Lift Bowls with Ease

Pressure cookers are amazing and can help you prepare meals quickly. However, it’s dangerous to put in or lift out bowls. Aluminum foil is the best option because you can lift things out without burning your arms or hands. Ensure that the foil is the size of your bowl plus eight more inches. Fashion a sling to lift out the container with the aluminum as handles. You can also fold down the aluminum foil while it’s cooking.

How To Create A Foil Sling

How To Create A Foil Sling


Prevent Birds

If you’re trying to protect a fruit tree (or any plants), dangle aluminum foil from the branches. The birds that don’t like shiny objects will not want to hover around or eat your precious fruit. They’ll steer clear of the tree and preserve its treats. However, you may want to research which birds are scared of shiny objects so that you don’t attract more pests for lunch.

Branches With Aluminum Foil Wrapped Around Them

Branches With Aluminum Foil Wrapped Around Them 


Bed Wetting Proection

If you have a child who still wets the bed, the cleanup process can be quite time-consuming. The trick is to put a layer of aluminum foil between the mattress and the bed sheet. Of course, you can also use it to prevent any type of stain from getting to the bed. Noise from the foil can be a problem, but you can combat it with a soft towel covering the foil. That may get wet, but it’s easier to change out.

Young Child Asleep

Young Child Asleep 


Wrinkled Clothes No More

Making an impression means having wrinkle-free clothes. Unfortunately, yours may make you look disheveled, even if you hang the shirts and pants in the closet. Ironing is the solution, but over time, it can still cause hard-to-remove wrinkles to pop up. This is even worse when the spot to iron isn’t smooth. It might be time to get some aluminum foil. Just wrap it under the cloth, and the metal absorbs the heat from the iron, providing you a crisp, wrinkle-free surface.

Foil Wrapped Ironing Board

Foil Wrapped Ironing Board


Whiten Teeth

You’ve seen those tooth-whitening systems in the toothpaste aisle, and you’ve probably been tempted to try them. However, they’re quite expensive. What if you could get the same treatment with aluminum foil? The good news is you can! Mix up some toothpaste and baking soda and coat the foil with the mixture. Wrap it around the teeth and remove it after about an hour. You’ll see whiter, brighter teeth! This tip is quite tempting, but check out the next one!

Foil Wrapped Teeth

Foil Wrapped Teeth


Replace a Funnel

It’s probably happened at some point. You misplaced your funnel and really need precision when pouring the liquid. Aluminum foil can come to the rescue. Just tear off a large sheet and shape it into a cone with an opening at the bottom. Hold it in one hand and pour the liquid with the other.

Homemade Foil Funnel

Homemade Foil Funnel


Keep Silverware Polished

Silverware is hard to keep clean, even if you wash it constantly. With time, the dirt and grime will stick to the spoons and knives. If there are any fancy patterns, gunk can get into them and settle. While WD-40 can help, you don’t have any and don’t want to run to the store. Raid the kitchen drawers, and you’re sure to have aluminum foil, though! Put some foil, salt, and baking soda in a container with the silverware and pour boiling water over it. The dirt comes off fast!

Baking Soda And Aluminum Foil In Boiling Water

Baking Soda And Aluminum Foil In Boiling Water


The Right Way to Throw Away Grease

The worst possible thing you could do is dump the grease down the kitchen sink drain (or any drain). With time, it will clog up the drain and could cause serious problems. When you’ve got a lot of grease to clean up, collect it in an aluminum foil ‘bowl,’ ball it up, and toss it in the trash. It’s effective, not messy, and doesn’t take much more time than dumping it down the sink.

Liquid Grease In Aluminum Foil

Liquid Grease In Aluminum Foil


Keep Your Car Safe

Would you consider covering your car keys with foil? You might if you just got a new car or one of the beepers with electrical chips inside to open the car doors. Hijackers can easily find those frequencies and use them to unlock your car to steal things. If you have a push-button start, they could drive away with it! If you wrap the keys in aluminum foil each day, the device’s internet system can’t be breached, which protects your investment.

Key Fob Wrapped In Foil

Key Fob Wrapped In Foil 


Squishy Brown Sugar

Bakers love the feeling of brown sugar because it is soft and squishy. If you happen to grab your package of the dark treat and it’s hard as a rock, you may think you have to throw it out. However, you can use aluminum foil to soften the sugar. Depending on how much you need, chip off some of the sugar and bake it in the oven for five minutes to soften it up.

Hard Brown Sugar In Foil

Hard Brown Sugar In Foil 


Keep Freshly-Baked Goods Warm

Many times, you will bake something special for a holiday or birthday. If it’s bread or something that’s generally served hot, you may worry about keeping it warm. Putting it in the oven is a risk because it could harden or toughen the dough. Plus, you may have to travel to your destination. Aluminum foil is a great conductor of heat. Wrap your pieces of bread, toasted sandwiches, and other hot items in foil to keep them warm for many hours.

Bread Wrapped In Foil

Bread Wrapped In Foil