If you’ve ever owned a dog, or have just been in the presence of one, you definitely know that dogs don’t always act the way humans want them to, and sometimes man’s best friend can get quite “creative” with the things he/she does. How many dog owners have come home from a long day of work only to find out that their dogs have done some crazy things while the humans were away? At times, doggies stand completely still and give their owners their best “It wasn’t me!” look. Yes, it’s comical to see the not-so innocent face of a pooch and yes, it’s super adorable, despite the anger one might feel upon discovery of the dog’s deed. Therefore, for everyone who, at some point in their lives, has become a dog owner, and for anyone who feels that this situation is all too familiar, we’ve put together some of the must-see and funniest guilty dog snapshots. There must be a conspiracy here; otherwise, why would there be so many guilty pooches?!
Party Pups
Well, these are just a couple of cute puppies who are completely covered with silly string. Nothing to see really if you consider all the other kinds of mess our dogs get into (which are not easy to clean up). Let’s not go into the details, though. They could get a little…well, messy!
Just Act Like Nothing Happened
There isn’t much more that could be said here since the sign took care of that. As a matter of fact, it’s a bit too detailed for comfort. We do agree that honesty should be the best policy, but there are just times when a rule needs a welcome exception.