You Won’t Be Able To Live Without These Home Hacks

Published on December 15, 2020

Squeegee Hair Collector

Everyone who owns a pet can understand the pain of having to constantly collect fallen hair from the carpet and furniture. Sometimes vacuuming simply won’t pick up every last bit of hair, especially the ones that are lodged deep into the carpet. A great solution is to run a squeegee on the carpet to help loosen these rogue hairs before running over them again with the vacuum.

Squeegee Hair Collector

Squeegee Hair Collector

Remove Stripped Screws With Rubber Bands

Everyone knows how difficult dealing with a stripped screw really is. Screwdrivers aren’t any help and you might think you are facing an impossible task. However, you can trying putting a rubber band between the screwdriver and the stripped screw! The rubber band’s grip should help with easing the screw out of its place.

Remove Stripped Screws With Rubber Bands

Remove Stripped Screws With Rubber Bands