The Ideal Female Body Type: How It’s Changed in the Last Century

Published on July 4, 2022

Fashion changes all the time, making clothing a hot topic. Throughout the years, a woman’s ideal body type goes in and out of style, too. During the last century, certain looks were considered the most attractive, but those have changed dramatically. Sometimes, the shifts are more subtle, but they could be staggering when you check out the decades before.

It’s interesting to look at the ideal body type for a specific time period to determine how society views the woman. This also helps to see who becomes a celebrity and why. Let’s review the idealized female body type through the decades to see how things have changed.

The Gibson Girl (1910s)

During the early 1900s, companies used illustrators to advertise products because it was too expensive to publish photographs in magazines. Charles Dana Gibson was one of them, and he was well-known for his depiction of women in dresses and corsets.

The Gibson Girl (1910s)

The Gibson Girl (1910s)

Camille Clifford

Camille was a beautiful model and actress and was one of the Gibson Girl proteges. In fact, she had an 18-inch waist that people wanted to mimic. It meant wearing a corset under her long gown, and she did so for appearances’ sake.

Camille Clifford

Camille Clifford