If You Find One Of These Items In Your Home, They Might Be Worth A Whole Lot Now

Published on August 16, 2022

Vintage Band T-Shirts

Vintage band T-shirts have become quite the commodity, especially ones that are no longer available to purchase easily. The Nirvana In Utero Tour made of crew members was sold for $7000. Another T-shirt, a Beatles one from their album Yesterday and Today, which was banned, was listed for $20,000!

Vintage Band T Shirts

Vintage Band T Shirts

Kugel Christmas Ornaments

Eric Silver claims that Christmas ornaments are seriously valuable. Sleds sell for $100, brown glass ornaments are worth up to $1700. Kugel ornaments are the most valuable, as the German ornaments date back to 1840 through the 1940’s and have been sold for up to $18,000.

Kugel Christmas Ornaments

Kugel Christmas Ornaments