The Story of Hollywood Star, John Travolta

Published on May 3, 2018
From the proud yet charming Danny Zuko in Grease to the clever but lackadaisical Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction, John Travolta has portrayed several characters that are hard to forget. For more than four decades, he has graced our TV screens and movie theaters with his presence. And he still doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. He has made Hollywood his home. But the road to stardom is never without any challenges. How did John Travolta surpass them all?

Rocky Romance

26 years of marriage with Kelly Preston and three beautiful children, plus a successful career to boot, John Travolta is a lucky man. However, his relationship with Preston has always been surrounded with rumors and scandals. Even after one of their children passed away, they remained together. By now, you’d think these two people could not have been more in love. Sadly, speculations of their breakup have finally surfaced. Though, only time will tell if their romance will actually end in divorce.

Rocky Romance

Rocky Romance

Tragic Relationship

In an interview with People Weekly, John Travolta admitted that the first love of his life was Diana Hyland. Sure, she was 18 years his senior. And sure, she was his “mother” in the show The Boy in the Plastic Bubble. But that did not stop them from enjoying their time together. In fact, things were going well for the both of them until unfortunately Hyland was diagnosed with cancer and died just a year after. This loss was a big blow to the actor, one that would take years to overcome.

Tragic Relationship

Tragic Relationship


Moving to the City

Like many other people chasing for success, Travolta moved to New York City. He dropped out of school and things were not going well for him in his new place. He got minor roles in commercials. Finally, he decided to move to Los Angeles. Here, he was able to secure the role of Danny Zuko in the Broadway show, Grease.

Moving To The City

Moving To The City


Big Break

Though Grease on Broadway was a local hit, it was undoubtedly his role in Welcome Back, Kotter that introduced him to the rest of the world. Vinnie Barbarino captured the hearts of hundreds of women. Travolta claimed that he struggled pulling off the role of a cool character. However, his fans would say he did a perfectly good job.

Big Break

Big Break


Inspired By Mother

John Travolta and his siblings all love acting. It is said that their desire to perform was inherited from their mother, Helen, who also used to dance and acte. In fact, time and again, Travolta would mention his mother as his inspiration for attending drama school in NYC.

Inspired By Mother

Inspired By Mother


First Big Movie Role

Saying that the Saturday Night Fever was a hit is an understatement. When Travolta danced to the Bee Gees, he created one of the most memorable film moments. In fact, it’s this movie that got him nominated at the Academy Awards. And that was just the beginning for Travolta.

First Big Movie Role

First Big Movie Role


Iconic Role In Grease

Who hasn’t seen the movie Grease and fallen in love with it? This movie remains to be one of the highest-grossing movie musicals of all time. It has also given Travolta his most iconic role of Danny Zuko and landed him another nomination at the Academy Awards.

Iconic Role In Grease

Iconic Role In Grease


More Than On-Screen Chemistry

Did you see sparks fly between Sandy Olsson and Danny Zuko? Apparently, there’s more to this than just on-screen chemistry. Both Olivia and Travolta admitted to having a crush on the other during the filming of the movie. Though they did not end up together in real life, they remain close friends up to this day.

More Than On Screen Chemistry

More Than On Screen Chemistry


Career Slump

Everyone has their regrets, and for Travolta, it was missing his chance to join the filming of An Officer and a Gentleman and American Gigolo. Richard Gere snatched these roles from him. However, just when people thought it was the end of Travolta’s career, he landed a role in the highly-acclaimed Pulp Fiction. And his name was back in Hollywood!

Career Slump

Career Slump


Princess Diana

Only a few people were granted the chance to dance with Princess Diana and Travolta was one of them. During a gala at the White House, Princess Diana told the first lady that she hoped to dance and was wondering if Travolta would be up for it as well. The first lady relayed this sentiment to the actor. Well, nobody had to ask the Travola twice.

Princess Diana

Princess Diana


His Marriage

Did you know that John Travolta met his future wife Kelly Preston on set of The Experts in 1989? Three years later and they duo tied the knot in Paris, France. As their wedding wasn’t legally recognized in America, they had a second ceremony in Florida.

His Marriage

His Marriage


Cult Classic, Pulp Fiction

Starring alongside Bruce Willis, Uma Thurman, and Samuel Jackson was not easy by any means, but Travolta pulled off his character splendidly! It surely was a big moment for the actor to be part of Quentin Tarantino’s best movie ever. This was a role that many would praise over and over, John Travolta had truly made it.

Cult Classic Pulp Fiction

Cult Classic Pulp Fiction


Pilot’s License

When Travolta was 22 years old, he became a licensed pilot. Now, he does not have only one license but eleven of them! That means he can drive eleven different kinds of planes. He said that there’s only a few things he enjoys more than flying his family and friends on a plane.

Pilots License

Pilots License


Devastating Loss

Travolta’s oldest child, Jett, is always a taboo topic for the actor and his family. He suffered from Kawasaki disease and was diagnosed as autistic. Naturally Travolta was overly protective of him. Sadly, Jett had a seizure and hit his head in the bathtub during a stumble in 2009, he passed away from his injuries. The actor admitted that losing a child was the worst thing could ever happen to a parent. We can’t even imagine the loss he must have felt, and still does.

Devastating Loss

Devastating Loss


Coping With Grief

It took time for Travolta to recover from the loss of his child. He even planned to retire from acting. However, he carried on living life even though he was broken inside. And though he is obviously not fully healed from the tragedy, he is surviving.

Coping With Grief

Coping With Grief


Teaming with Oprah

We’ve already mentioned that Travolta is devoted to charity work so it only makes sense that he teamed up with Oprah Winfrey. In 2010, Oprah celebrated 25 seasons of her show – as a gift, she gave fans tickets to Australia! That’s not all, she joined them for their eight day trip! Oh, and how does John Travolta fit into this story? He flew the plane! At the time, Travolta was an ambassador for Qantas Airways and was happy to be their pilot.

Teaming With Oprah

Teaming With Oprah


The Perfect Present

One year after Travolta and Preston lost their son Jett, they welcomed a new member to the family, Benjamin. Benjamin gave the family a new purpose and renewed spirit. Travolta even said that they might never had recovered if it was not for Benjamin. “He’s given the house a renewed spirit and purpose. He’s brought us a new beginning…All our memories are connected to Jett over the last 18 years – our photos, our homes, our travel. It’s not something that will ever leave us.” Fans were touched by Travolta’s bold and brave statement.

The Perfect Present

The Perfect Present


The Jett Travolta Foundation

Travolta is known to be generous with his donations. However, the Jett Travolta Foundation, which was founded by him and his wife, is his family’s biggest charity project yet. This foundation aims to support children suffering from impairments.

The Jett Travolta Foundation

The Jett Travolta Foundation


Impressive Net Worth

Running a foundation is not cheap. Nor is owning fancy homes and cars, plus a lot of planes. How does Travolta manage to do it? Well, he has a net worth of $166 million. After as he’s made a name for himself, he can earn about $20 million per movie. That’s how he can afford to buy numerous sports cars and planes.

Impressive Net Worth

Impressive Net Worth


Following In Parents’ Footsteps

Travolta followed his mother and his daughter Ella Bleu is following in both her parents footsteps! Her first role was alongside her parents in Old Dogs. Travolta says that Ella Bleu is incredibly talented, he’s such a dad gushing over her.

Following In Parents Footsteps

Following In Parents Footsteps


Still Going Strong

You might think that having over a million dollar net worth would persuade the 66 year old to retire. However, that is not the case. In fact, he is preparing for several upcoming movies. When will he stop? Travolta hasn’t given anyone a clue yet.

Still Going Strong

Still Going Strong


Talented Bunch

The Travolta family is quite the talented bunch. It’s not just John, his wife, and their daughter who are stars but also John’s niece Nicole is an actress. She’s appeared in Cowgirl Up, The Secret Life of the American Teenager, Two and a Half Men, and Anger Management so far.

Talented Bunch

Talented Bunch


Not Received Well

Have you ever watched the 1999 movie Battlefield Earth? No? Don’t worry, most people haven’t watched it either. Many labeled it as the worst film ever! But Travolta did not show any regret in accepting a role in the flick. In fact, when asked about it, he said he would do it all over again without question.

Not Received Well

Not Received Well


Dreams of Playing Bond Villain

Travolta has starred in many movies and taken many different roles. However, there is still one role he looks forward to playing – a villain in a James Bond movie. In fact, he wants this role so much that he has spoken to the franchise producers about it. They have taken the idea positively, so we’ll have to wait and see. And wouldn’t that be a sight?

Dreams Of Playing Bond Villain

Dreams Of Playing Bond Villain


Advice From the Best

When Travolta chose to play Robert Shapiro, a defense attorney, in The People v. O.J. Simpson, he had some help in his decision. Apparently he consulted with Tom and Rita Hanks, Oprah, and Steven Spielberg before taking on the role. It must be nice to reach out to some of Hollywood’s biggest legends for advice.

Advice From The Best

Advice From The Best


Near Fatal Crash

In 1992, a near death experience almost claimed the life of John Travolta. Despite his strong piloting skills, he couldn’t stop the uncontrollable. The plane lost power and was in complete electrical failure, Travolta almost crashed as a result. Luckily he stabilized the plane and safely landed. How he did is is unknown but we’re so glad he was able to do so!

Near Fatal Crash

Near Fatal Crash


Qantas Who?

Travolta’s daughter almost wasn’t named Ella Bleu! In 2000, her parents were so excited at the birth of their baby girl but they were struggling to agree on a name. Now Travolta wanted to name her after something meaningful and unfortunately the meaningful thing he wanted to name her after was the Australian airline he was ambassador for, Qantas. Luckily, Preston was able to persuade Travolta to choose the name of Ella. Phew.

Qantas Who@

Qantas Who?


Pulp Fiction Almost Didn’t Happen

Pulp Fiction defined Travolta’s career, nay it transformed it. However, this life-altering flick almost didn’t happen. Director Quentin Tarantino met with Travolta in order to discuss his vision for the actor’s career. Tarantino really wanted Travolta to star in the film From Dusk Till Dawn. However Travolta wasn’t keen on that role; he insisted that Pulp Fiction was the way to go. Tarantino was disappointed by his decision as he was just trying to help. We’d say that it all worked out in the end.

Pulp Fiction Almost Didnt Happen

Pulp Fiction Almost Didnt Happen


Motivated And Hardworking

Life wasn’t so easy for John Travolta however with his determination and hard work, he did more than fine. Before becoming a millionaire, he worked a string of odd jobs to survive. Including working as a checkout boy at a grocery store and also as a luggage handler. No job is too big or small when you’re supporting yourself and your family.

Motivated And Hardworking

Motivated And Hardworking


Best Friends Or More?

Kirstie Alley and Travolta had no idea they’d become such good friends after starring in the 1999 film Look Who’s Talking together. But that’s exactly what happened. Their friendship developed while on set and they are still friends to this day. Of course while they were filming and after the film came out, rumors began to fly that the pair were more than just friends. While Alley did admit to having a crush on Travolta, they were both married at the time.

Best Friends Or More@

Best Friends Or More?


Playing Copycat

In the movie Face/off, John Travolta and Nicolas Cage played the same character who had a face transplant. To fully immerse in the role, the two actors spent two weeks together, mimicking each other’s behavior. We can’t imagine how exhausting that must have been. There’s no doubt that both of them are fully committed to their job.

Playing Copycat

Playing Copycat


Marlon Brando Fan

Marlon Brando, one of Travolta’s role models, once gave him advice about not expecting things from others. This proved to be very valuable as Travolta still keeps it at heart. The legendary actor also admitted that he had a great laugh after seeing Travolta impersonating him during an SNL skit.

Marlon Brando Fan

Marlon Brando Fan


Six Time’s The Charm

Starring in a movie with Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry is too a good an opportunity to decline. However, Travolta has apparently done it not only once but six times. When he was offered to take a role in Swordfish with the two actors, he finally accepted. The thing is, when he was asked about it, he’d come to say that he accepted the role because Dominic Sena was directing.

Six Times The Charm

Six Times The Charm


Intense Role

Just in 2017, Travolta began working on one of his most difficult and challenging roles of the decade, or so it seems! Preparing for the movie The Life and Death of John Gotti wasn’t easy for the star. It actually took Travolta over six years to fully train himself as an Italian-American gangster. Yes, you read that right. Oh, he also learned that he and his gangster character both enjoy gin martinis!

Intense Role

Intense Role


Picky Eater

Are you surprised to learn that John Travolta has some odd tastes when it comes to his diet? For instance, he likes his morning coffee strong – so strong that it has to be blended from Starbucks with half a pound of Sumatra beans. Moreover he loves Coleman’s Hot Mustard and likes to splurge at McDonald’s sometimes. Okay so maybe his tastes aren’t all that weird. Just a bit.

Picky Eater

Picky Eater


Famous In Brazil

Sure, Travolta is huge in America but it turns out that he has some serious fans in Brazil! In fact, he is so popular there that he starred in a TV commercial for a local rum – wild. In the commercial you see the Hollywood star bust out some salsa and beach soccer skills. Plus it was filmed in Rio so we’re sure that he enjoyed himself!

Famous In Brazil

Famous In Brazil


Travolta Gave His Plane Away

We’ve already said that Travolta is close with Qantas. Heck, Qantas gifted Travolta a Boeing 707 for his service as ambassador. This plane is from their original fleet! Travolta named the plane after his children, ‘Jett Clipper Ella.’ However he recently sold the plane to the Sydney Historical Aircraft Restoration society.

Travolta Gave His Plane Away

Travolta Gave His Plane Away