The Story of Hollywood Star, John Travolta

Published on May 3, 2018

Iconic Role In Grease

Who hasn’t seen the movie Grease and fallen in love with it? This movie remains to be one of the highest-grossing movie musicals of all time. It has also given Travolta his most iconic role of Danny Zuko and landed him another nomination at the Academy Awards.

Iconic Role In Grease

Iconic Role In Grease

More Than On-Screen Chemistry

Did you see sparks fly between Sandy Olsson and Danny Zuko? Apparently, there’s more to this than just on-screen chemistry. Both Olivia and Travolta admitted to having a crush on the other during the filming of the movie. Though they did not end up together in real life, they remain close friends up to this day.

More Than On Screen Chemistry

More Than On Screen Chemistry