Unexpected Question By “Special Someone” Melts War Hero’s Heart

Published on August 22, 2018


He was surveying the area from a military chopper when the team was able to locate a family that seemed to have remained in their home while the hurricane was raging. When the family spotted the military forces roving around the area, they tried everything they could to catch the soldier’s attention. Their house was already flooded with water and they no longer had stocks of food. At the time, these soldiers must have appeared like their last beacon of hope.



Maroney Saved Many

In total, Maroney had been able to rescue over 140 people on that day. He was, in a way, ignoring the orders from his commanding officers since he was choosing to prioritize this over quenching the civilian’s violence. He knew that it was his ethical responsibility to remove residents from their flood-ridden houses. However, he did not know that the day would actually change his life.

Maroney Saved Many

Maroney Saved Many