Beloved fantasy sitcom Bewitched began airing in September 1964 and lasted for 8 seasons until March 1972. It told the story of a witch named Samantha, played by Elizabeth Montgomery, who married a mortal man and tries to lead a normal, typical suburban housewife life. With nose twitches, hilarious misunderstandings, and a whole lot of magic, the show charmed viewers for years. However, there was a lot going on behind the scenes that most fans had no idea about. This is what you never knew about Bewitched.
Hidden First Pregnancy
Montgomery had three children throughout the course of the show, but only two of the pregnancies were written into the storyline. She was actually pregnant during season one, but the show was able to hide it. They chose to hide it because at the time it seemed inappropriate that Sam and Darrin would be expecting so soon after getting married.
A New Darrin
You don’t need to be a die-hard fan to realize that after five seasons of the show, the actor playing Darrin completely changed. Dick York played Sam’s husband for the first five seasons but was later replaced by Dick Sargent. While York was filming movie They Came to Cordura, he suffered a horrible injury in has back, but he never fully recovered, forcing him to step away from the show.