New Discoveries Reveal A Different Side To History Than What We Were Taught

Published on January 28, 2020

Ornate Silver Ice Cream Spoons

These spoons were made in the Victorian era which was when everything had to be a little more ornate and intricate than necessary. Eating your favorite ice cream with these spoons was more fun and enjoyable because of the shell design.

Ornate Silver Ice Cream Spoons

Ornate Silver Ice Cream Spoons

An 1867 Sewing Machine

One of the most contested inventions of the 1800s was the sewing machine. Walter Hunt developed the sewing machine between 1832 and 1834. The first version was built by hand and interlock a stitch with two threads. Updates were made throughout the years as technology improved.

An 1867 Sewing Machine

An 1867 Sewing Machine