These Are The Stores That Are Closing In 2021

Published on September 12, 2021

It’s been a very brutal time for brick and mortar stores, who were already in decline before the pandemic rushed in the final nail in the coffin for many of these once-booming businesses. Nearly 3000 stores are shuttering in 2021, as what many are calling the retail apocalypse continues on. Here are some of the stores that are closing their doors.

Disney Stores – 60

The corporation announced that it will be closing down 60 of its stores around the United Sates by the end of 2021. The company has said that it will shift its focus to e-commerce going forward.

Disney Stores

Disney Stores

Best Buy – 5

While Best Buy is closing down 5 stores around the country, this is not great news for the tech store. The stores will be closing down in Richmond, Virginia, Syracuse, New York, Carbondale, Illinois, and Brockton, Massachusetts.

Best Buy

Best Buy