A Woman Is Left Scared After Encountering Strange Bird

Published on March 14, 2023
Carmen was deep in the forest when she heard an unfamiliar sound. Intrigued, she followed the noise to its source, which led her to a peculiar bird perched high in a tree. Despite her best efforts, Carmen couldn’t identify the species of the bird at first. As she moved closer to get a better look, the noise grew louder and more piercing, causing her great discomfort. Despite feeling unwelcome in the area, Carmen persisted in her pursuit of discovering the bird’s identity. The pain eventually became unbearable, nearly causing her to collapse. Did Carmen ultimately succeed in her quest to identify the mysterious bird, or did her determination lead to an injury beyond repair?

Pain In The Ear

As Carmen approached the tree where the strange bird was perched, she was suddenly overcome with excruciating pain. The bird’s high-pitched sound was deafening, causing her ears to burn and leaving her screaming in agony. Despite the obvious signs that the bird did not want her to come closer, Carmen was determined to solve the mystery of its identity. However, the pain continued to intensify until it became unbearable, forcing Carmen to abandon her pursuit and retreat from the area.

Pain In The Ear

Pain In The Ear


Carmen’s world was plunged into darkness in an instant, and she soon realized that her body had reached its limit and could no longer endure the pain. Before she could do anything, she lost consciousness and everything went black. Now, she found herself in a place that was completely unfamiliar. What had caused her to faint and where had she ended up?




Rude Awakening

Carmen eventually came to and was shocked to find that the piercing sound that had caused her so much pain was no longer present. However, her head was pounding with a painful intensity, and she couldn’t help but wonder how much time had passed while she was unconscious. She tried to stand up, but her body felt weak and unresponsive, leaving her unable to get to her feet.

Rude Awakening

Rude Awakening


Crawling to Safety

Carmen wasted no time in crawling back towards safety, but as she did, the piercing sound returned once more, causing her to cry out in agony. It was a nightmare for her to endure such pain again. Eventually, Carmen realized that the sun had started to set, indicating that several hours had passed since she began her journey that morning.

Crawling to Safety

Crawling to Safety


Get Help

Carmen struggled to crawl away and reached for her camera to capture a glimpse of the strange bird. To her dismay, the camera was broken, leaving her feeling helpless and in need of assistance. She marked the location where the bird’s cries did not cause her pain before setting out to find help.

Get Help

Get Help


Getting Dark

However, as time had passed and the afternoon had turned into evening, it was becoming increasingly difficult for Carmen to navigate her surroundings in the dark. She realized that it was no longer safe for her to stay where she was and that she needed to find help as soon as possible.

Getting Dark

Getting Dark


Going Home

With no other option in sight, Carmen decided to head back home, using her smartphone’s flashlight to navigate her way through the dark forest. Eventually, she stumbled upon her parked vehicle and breathed a sigh of relief.

Going Home

Going Home


Sleepless Night

As she drove away from the forest, the memory of the strange bird and the painful sound it produced continued to haunt her thoughts. Carmen couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more to the experience than what she had encountered, leaving her with a sense of curiosity and wonder.

Sleepless Night

Sleepless Night


Needing Answers

Carmen’s mind was consumed with questions and a desperate need for answers. What was the source of the strange bird’s painful cries, and why had she fainted upon hearing them? She couldn’t help but wonder if there was something sinister at play.

Needing Answers

Needing Answers


Convincing Amy

In search of guidance, Carmen reached out to her friend Amy and shared her harrowing experience. Upon hearing Carmen’s account, Amy’s face turned pale with fear. Despite her reservations, Carmen managed to convince her friend to join her on her return trip to the forest. However, Amy insisted on informing a few other people about their plans before proceeding any further.

Convincing Amy

Convincing Amy


Asking Locals

Determined to unravel the mystery behind the strange bird, Carmen and Amy sought the guidance of the older folks in the town who had lived there for a long time. However, their inquiries were met with hesitance and fear from the locals, leaving Carmen even more perplexed.

Asking Locals

Asking Locals


Scared to Talk

While Amy urged Carmen to leave it alone, Carmen remained resolute in her quest for the truth. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something more significant was at play, and she was determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious bird.

Scared to Talk

Scared to Talk


Strange Feeling

Amy, who was still apprehensive about the situation, decided to accompany Carmen back to the forest.  Despite feeling scared herself, she didn’t want Carmen to go back without any help.

Strange Feeling

Strange Feeling


Internal Struggle

However, Amy insisted that they take precautions and purchase earplugs to protect themselves from the bird’s high-pitched cries, which had caused them to faint on their previous visit. While it was only a theory, Carmen agreed that it was a reasonable step to take.

Internal Struggle

Internal Struggle


Going Back

As Carmen and Amy made their way back to the bird’s location, they noticed that the forest seemed eerily quiet. There were no signs of any other wildlife, and the only sound they could hear was the muffled hum of the earplugs in their ears. Amy grew increasingly uneasy and told Carmen that she felt like they weren’t supposed to be in this part of the forest. However, there were no signs indicating that it was off-limits. As they got closer to the spot where the bird was perched, Carmen checked her phone to see if she could get a signal. To her dismay, there was no reception.

Going Back

Going Back


Almost There

Carmen waited for a bit and then checked the GPS tracker, which showed a feeble signal, suggesting that they were approaching the spot where she had spotted the bird. She felt relieved that they were making progress, but she didn’t anticipate what they would discover once they arrived.

Almost There

Almost There


Keep Out

As Carmen approached the area where the bird had been seen, she proceeded with caution. But her progress was halted when she stumbled and fell due to her foot getting caught in something. Amy quickly came to her rescue and helped her free her boot. Looking up, they finally caught a glimpse of the bird.

Keep Out

Keep Out


Almost Fainting

The sound was so piercing that it caused them immediate pain in their ears. Amy was completely unprepared for the intensity of the noise and nearly fainted. She begged Carmen to leave the area, but her friend refused to give up her quest to get as near as possible to the source of the sound!

Almost Fainting

Almost Fainting


Amy Runs Away

As soon as Amy had an opportunity, she crawled away from the source of the sound and struggled to her feet, running off as fast as she could. She didn’t look back, leaving her friend behind. After what felt like an eternity, the noise finally subsided, and Amy stopped to catch her breath. As she turned around, she was stunned by what she saw.

Amy Runs Away

Amy Runs Away


Get a Ranger

Despite wearing earplugs, Carmen was still being overwhelmed by the deafening noise. Realizing that she needed assistance, Amy decided to seek help from a ranger. She had spotted a station nearby and ran towards it as fast as she could, her breath ragged. When she finally arrived, she explained the situation in a panicked frenzy, but the ranger didn’t seem to believe her.

Get a Ranger

Get a Ranger


Not Helpful

Mark, the ranger on duty that day, was skeptical of Amy’s story and initially reluctant to help her. He suspected that she might be fabricating the whole thing to get attention. However, Amy persisted and kept pleading with him to assist her. Eventually, Mark relented and agreed to accompany her to the spot. Despite his outward show of cooperation, Amy sensed that he was hiding something and couldn’t shake off her unease.

Not Helpful

Not Helpful


Heading Back

As they made their way towards Carmen’s location, Mark remained silent, deep in thought. Amy had not provided him with the exact coordinates of where Carmen and the bird were located, yet he seemed to be familiar with the direction they needed to take, walking purposefully towards the correct area. Amy couldn’t help but wonder if Mark had been there before.

Heading Back

Heading Back


No Carmen

As they arrived at the bird’s perch, Amy was taken aback to find Carmen nowhere in sight. It had only been a few moments since they had last seen her, and Amy couldn’t comprehend how Carmen could have vanished so quickly. Had she managed to escape unscathed? Amy was left feeling disoriented and bewildered. To make matters worse, Mark’s behavior was becoming increasingly peculiar, adding to her growing sense of unease.

No Carmen

No Carmen



Mark insisted that there was nobody in the vicinity, and urged Amy to leave the forest immediately. He emphasized that she was not authorized to be there, and that their presence could be dangerous. Despite his warning, Amy couldn’t help but feel drawn to the tree where she had last seen the bird. As she approached it, she noticed that the creature was eerily silent, and she couldn’t quite discern if it was even a bird.




Odd Feeling

As Amy approached Mark, she thought she sensed anger, and he led her away. However, when she suggested calling the police, Mark surprised her by offering to assist in finding Carmen. Despite feeling uneasy, Amy accepted his offer. As they searched, she couldn’t shake the feeling that there were still unanswered questions, but then she caught sight of something.

Odd Feeling

Odd Feeling


Trip Wire

Upon noticing the wires, which appeared to encircle the bird, Amy grew uneasy. She observed that the wires were positioned at shin height and appeared to be deliberately placed to cause people to trip or fall. Determined to uncover the purpose behind them, she resolved to track their path and investigate their origin.

Trip Wire

Trip Wire


Around the Bird

Amy observed that the tripwire surrounded the vicinity of the bird and the tree, which struck her as peculiar. While Mark effortlessly avoided it, his actions only served to further fuel her suspicions. However, before she could dwell on this further, something else caught her attention.

Around The Bird

Around The Bird


The Camera

Upon closer inspection, Amy spotted a camera affixed to the tree where the bird perched. The discovery heightened her sense of insecurity and gave rise to ominous possibilities. To compound matters, Mark’s demeanor had shifted as well, indicating that their circumstances had taken a turn for the worse.

The Camera

The Camera


Amy Feels Unsafe

Amy informed Mark of the camera’s existence, but his reaction was lackluster as he brushed it off, stating that cameras were commonplace in the forest. Nonetheless, as they stood there, Amy detected the sound of footsteps approaching.

Amy Feels Unsafe

Amy Feels Unsafe


Trying to Keep Her There

As the sound of footsteps grew louder, Amy discerned that someone was approaching. She instinctively moved closer to the bird, but Mark unexpectedly lunged at her, attempting to impede her progress. Suspecting foul play, Amy swiftly kicked at him and broke free before sprinting off to seek assistance from the police.

Trying to Keep Her There

Trying to Keep Her There


Amy Runs

Amy wasted no time in putting as much distance as possible between herself and Mark or any other potential pursuers. She recognized that getting caught could jeopardize the search for Carmen and her own safety. However, as she ran, she suddenly heard a voice shouting at her from afar, causing her to halt in her tracks.

Amy Runs

Amy Runs


Dogs Barking

Undeterred by the previous shouting, Amy resumed running, but her efforts were soon met with the sound of dogs barking. She thought that they had been set loose to track her down, and her instincts warned her that someone was closing in on her. The barking grew louder, indicating that the dogs were closing in on their prey, intensifying the sense of being hunted.

Dogs Barking

Dogs Barking



In a sudden misstep, Amy tripped and fell, the impact of the branch injuring her enough to prevent her from running any further. Despite the pain, she realized that being forced to stop might offer an opportunity to uncover the reason why someone was pursuing her and their identity. While it could prove to be a blessing in disguise, it was still a considerable risk to take.




Catching Up

Amy’s fear heightened as she noticed two German Shepherds approaching her, their purpose and intent unknown. The sight of them only served to intensify her suspicions and the sense of peril she felt. The questions swirling in her mind only compounded her anxiety, as she recognized the gravity of the situation. The dogs’ aggressive demeanor made it clear that she was in imminent danger.

Catching Up

Catching Up


Pinned Down

The two German Shepherds quickly closed in on Amy, preventing her from moving any further, yet they did not inflict any harm upon her. Just as she thought her fate was sealed, a man arrived on the scene and commanded the dogs to cease their actions. Amy recognized Mark standing beside him, both of them looking perspired from the pursuit. The man introduced himself as Alex, and though his demeanor was serious, he did not appear to be malevolent.

Pinned Down

Pinned Down


Follow Us

The two men instructed Amy to follow them in silence, and though she was unsure of what to expect, she reasoned that they would have harmed her already if that had been their intention. As they progressed, Amy noticed that they were leading her towards a military base, further adding to her sense of unease and confusion.

Follow Us

Follow Us


The Compound

Amy’s bewilderment increased as she observed Alex’s military attire, leading her to conclude that he must be affiliated with the military. She began to speculate as to whether her situation had any relation to her previous encounter with the bird or if she had unknowingly committed an offense. Her musings were interrupted by the realization that answers to her queries would soon be forthcoming, so she followed the men in silence.

The Compound

The Compound


Carmen’s Inside

As they entered the military base, Amy’s eyes fell upon Carmen, who was receiving medical attention from a nurse. Her friend appeared to be in a critical state, and Amy was overjoyed to see her alive. She quickly made her way over to Carmen, embracing her tightly before demanding answers regarding their ordeal.

Carmen's Inside

Carmen’s Inside


Security System

Alex gave an account of the events that had taken place. Carmen and Amy had trespassed into a military facility, disregarding the previous warnings to retreat. The avian creature served as their novel security mechanism, rendering adversaries unconscious with its piercing audio frequency.

Security System

Security System


Finally Released

Alex expressed his frustration over the potential compromise of the security system. Despite receiving medical treatment for their injuries, both women were required to sign a confidentiality agreement prohibiting them from disclosing any information about the incident to others. In due course, the military authorities erected warning signs to deter further trespassing on the premises.

Finally Released

Finally Released