Wardrobe Fails That Destroyed Our Favorite Films

Published on January 12, 2022

The Tudors: Wearing Ruffs Is Scandalous

Many individuals would overlook most errors in movies set centuries ago. In spite of this, some sharp-eyed audience members noticed a certain historical inaccuracy. It would be extremely inappropriate for Tudor women to wear a ruff without an undershirt. Although it might have been a visual treat, it wouldn’t have been allowed in court.

The Tudors

The Tudors

Good Night and Good Luck: Name Tags Equal Nope

These days, name tags can help people identify military officers easily. Actually, the military practice of wearing name tags was put in place during the late ‘60s. However, the movie may have overlooked this fact. The military officers in it should not be sporting name tags because the film’s setting is at the beginning of the 1950s.


Good Night And Good Luck

Good Night And Good Luck