Woman Gets What She Deserves After Refusing to Take Her Bag Off a Seat

Published on August 1, 2021
Many people depend on public transportation to get them from point A to point B. It’s widely known that those who use this public transport should be considerate of those around them. This is because it can make everyone’s experience a lot more pleasant and hassle-free. If you’ve been on public transport of any kind, you know that seats are limited, which is why finding a free seat is always a blessing. However, taking the space of two can be greedy, especially during rush hour. This woman obviously didn’t get the memo and suffered because of it.

No Patience

‘We get another seat if this woman is taken off,’ screamed a nearby passenger. It was evident that the officer standing nearby was losing patience. This might sound drastic now but it makes sense when you hear the whole story.

No Patience

No Patience

Train Manners

Massive amounts of people pile into public transportation each day. With this, there are unspoken rules associated while riding buses, trams, and trains. Everyone on one specific train decided this woman needed to learn her lesson when she refused to follow the rules.

Train Manners

Train Manners


Rush Hour

Jessica Huit was like every other employee trying to make her way home after a chaotic day in the office. She was well-acquainted with the streets of New York City and was an avid public transport go-er who had seen almost everything on these trains, or so she believed.

Rush Hour

Rush Hour


An Uncomfortable Experience

Being a passenger on a train can become increasingly uncomfortable when traveling during rush hour. In some cases, you may struggle to find a seat because others might be seated in one. However, two seats should never be used by one person.

An Uncomfortable Experience

An Uncomfortable Experience


Searching for a Seat

By the time she boarded the train, a woman named Jessica was exhausted. She understood that it would be overcrowded because it was rush hour. However, she still wanted to look for an open seat because her train trip would last more than an hour and she wanted to be seated for it.

Searching For A Seat

Searching For A Seat


A Free Seat

After searching for a while, Jessica found a vacant seat in the last car next to a young woman. She looked at all the people standing and wondered by nobody had taken the seat. It looked in good condition, but a bag was placed on it.

A Free Seat

A Free Seat



When observing closely, individuals can engage in some anti-social behavior when confined in a tight space with many other people. You might find that the pressure of a crowded train brings out the worse in people, which is exactly what happened today.

Ill Mannered

Ill Mannered


Against the Rules

Jessica approached the woman and respectively asked if she could seat there while motioning to the vacant seat. The woman had her taking the liberty of using that seat for a gigantic Louis Vuitton bag, which was stopping another passenger from sitting down.

Against The Rules

Against The Rules


A Battle

To Jessica’s disbelief, the lady outright ignored her request while locking her eyes on her phone.  She disregarded Jessica’s presence and continued on her phone. At this moment, the train stopped and security entered.

A Battle

A Battle


The Officers

Jessica quickly realized that she wasn’t the first commuter to request the free seat and be ignored. That was why the train had stopped for the officers to come into the carriage. Everyone decided to take a step away and observe.

The Officers

The Officers


Off the Train

Once arriving on the train, the officer noticed the woman and her purse. That was when he instructed her to place it in the overhead trunk. However, the woman swatted the officer’s hand away and told him not to touch her things.

Off The Train

Off The Train


Remaining Calm

After the woman’s sudden outburst, he decided to maintain his patience and tried to assist her in moving her purse. He then asked the lady if someone could sit next to her. However, she didn’t want anyone near her.

Remaining Calm

Remaining Calm


Delaying the Train

At this point, everyone on the train was growing more frustrated. One man even stated that the train was already running late and that the woman was stopping everyone. However, this didn’t stop the woman. She was adamant.

Delaying The Train

Delaying The Train



The annoyance was growing and it seemed as though everyone began shouting the woman was being inconsiderate. There weren’t any free seats, only standing space. Everyone could tell that the officer was losing his patience.





From the woman’s actions, the officer understood that he needed to be direct and stern. The passengers were growing more impatient. That’s when he said that she needed to remove her bag or he was going to take her off the train.




The Audacity

This was when the woman looked up at the crowd of people and said that they didn’t need to sit because they weren’t pregnant or disabled. She continued to state that she didn’t like their odor and found them revolting.

The Audacity

The Audacity


Taking Ownership

If that wasn’t enough, the lady stated that she was taking ownership of her personal space on the train. However, other passengers fired back saying that this wasn’t her space. The man’s composure had rapidly diminished.

Taking Ownership

Taking Ownership


Kicked Off

His patience was worn out, so he told her to get off the train. The woman had failed to cooperate with the man, and it was time she left. As you can imagine, the entitled was shocked that someone would do this to her.

Kicked Off

Kicked Off


Not Backing Down

The woman refused what the man was saying. She was stunned that someone would call her out on her disrespectful actions but that doesn’t mean she was backing down. At this point, she had already made the train 25 minutes late.

Not Backing Down

Not Backing Down


The Walk of Shame

The other officers began motioning towards the woman. All the lady could do was roll her eyes and shake her head, as she rose to her feet with her bag in hand. The lady then walked off the train with the officers following her.

The Walk Of Shame

The Walk Of Shame



The entire event was captured by another passenger who shared it online. It went viral and the audience was quick to comment on how entitled the woman was in the train. One person even stated that it’s the perfect example of someone who’s just plain selfish.




The Crowd’s Reaction

One YouTube user wrote that they’re happy someone filmed the event, as her bad conduct is likely to haunt her for a long time because of this video. Another person raised a point that a lot of people have invisible disorders, which can require them to sit, which she was taking away from them.

The Crowd’s Reaction

The Crowd’s Reaction


New Jersey Transit

Resulting from the now-viral video footage of this event, a spokeswoman for NJ Transit said that we urge customers to make each seat accessible by placing any bags on their laps or in the overhead luggage racks while also complying with the train crews.

New Jersey Transit

New Jersey Transit


Taking Her Seat

Once the woman was removed from the train, Jessica was motioned to take her seat by another commuter. The officer had given the all-clear to resume the train’s travel. Jessica was moved by the stranger’s kind act of giving her the seat.

Taking Her Seat

Taking Her Seat


Life in the City

Although Jessica has been living in New York City for years, this was one of the most peculiar events she has seen. Luckily, she hasn’t witnessed such greedy actions since then. However, she still has to search for vacant seats, which is the price to pay for living in the city.

Life In The City

Life In The City


Bad Experiences

We’ve all experienced some type of bad experience while using public transport. In most cases instances, these unpleasant experiences are due to individuals being unreasonable. Oftentimes, it can involve an obnoxious child.

Bad Experiences

Bad Experiences


Learning a Lesson

Riding the subway can be quite unsettling for any commuter. It’s always difficult to find a seat and you’re only allowed to take one if you do find any available. However, this young boy didn’t get realize he was taking up enough space for three people.

Learning A Lesson

Learning A Lesson


Inconsiderate Passengers

The sad truth behind public transportation is that not all people are considerate. These public transits are fantastic for those who don’t have a car. However, some commuters don’t feel any obligation to show respect to others while using these public buses or trains.

Inconsiderate Passengers

Inconsiderate Passengers


Cruel Individuals

Trains and buses have rapidly become a dog-eat-dog world. These public transportations can showcase some very cruel individuals who have no regard for others. You might have come across a few of these people while you were using these modes of transport.

Cruel Individuals

Cruel Individuals



While on a bus or train, you might encounter something that you find offensive. Many people are surrounding each other in this enclosed space, which is why you might view people who act in a way that offends you.





There may be occasions where a passenger doesn’t give up their seat for someone in the priority seating category. This might include the disabled, pregnant, and elderly. Otherwise, they might pile their belongs on an available seat and prevent others from sitting.





As we have mentioned above, selfish passengers believe that they can go against the unspoken rules of public transportation. Overall, they are entitled and believe that it’s okay to take up more space than they should and refuse to give up the spare seat when someone asks for it politely.




Being Peaceful

Individuals can react to these situations in various manners. Some might want to keep the peace while others might get quite rude to prove their point. Everyone has their own way of dealing with these issues.

Being Peaceful

Being Peaceful


Looking for Trouble

There’s no way what these selfish and entitled passengers are capable of doing. They might rise to their feet and try fighting you. Do you think it’s worthwhile to get involved in a violent fight to get a seat on a bus or train?

Looking For Trouble

Looking For Trouble


A Viral Tweet

After a commuter witnessed saw this event take place, they rapidly shared it on social media. From here, this post got more than 47,000 retweets, 130,000 likes, and thousands of comments. The little boy was certainly taught a lesson.

A Viral Tweet

A Viral Tweet


Restoring Faith

Many comments were left on the Twitter post praising the man who took a stand against the entitled actions of the little boy. Many believed that this act restored their faith in humanity. This wasn’t the best part though.

Restoring Faith

Restoring Faith


Capturing Unforgettable Moments

The boy was occupying enough seats for three people, as he sat in this space. During rush hour, this can be a significant inconvenience for those traveling on the train. That’s why one man decided that enough was enough.

Capturing Unforgettable Moments

Capturing Unforgettable Moments


Ignoring People’s Requests

Everyone observing the boy on the train could see that he was in a world of his own. He wasn’t paying attention to anyone’s requests for him to sit normally on the seat and let others take up the free space. This caused one man to act.

Ignoring People’s Requests

Ignoring People’s Requests


Unsung Hero

As though the man had no hesitation, he decided to sit on the boy’s legs. He didn’t cause any harm, but he certainly got the boy’s attention and taught him a lesson on subway etiquette.

Unsung Hero

Unsung Hero


Subway Etiquette

The man’s action was questioned by a few people. However, his response got the desired result and the boy moved his legs. When it comes to public transport, you need to take a different approach if a person doesn’t reason, which is exactly what the man did.

Subway Etiquette

Subway Etiquette