A construction worker in Montréal went to work one regular Wednesday morning. It was around lunch time when his day drastically changed, his seemingly normal day was normal no longer. You won’t believe what caught this worker’s eye and what he discovered when his curiosity got the best of him.
Construction workers are responsible for much more than we give them credit for. Amazing award-winning skyscrapers all over the world are built because of the hard work and manual labor put in by the workers. It is the behind-the-scenes effort that is mainly responsible for the existence of these amazing buildings.
Animals that seem common for a construction worker to run into are birds and bugs, but kittens…I don’t think so. You tend to find cute cuddly felines in houses, curled up by the fire. These furry friends are usually the most beloved member of the clan…sorry grandma! Kittens stay with their moms until they are old enough to face the real world on their own. It is very rare and especially troublesome when there is a baby kitten with no mother in sight. The chance of survival is very slim at that age without a mother by their side.
But, unfortunately, it is a reality that kittens become separated from their mothers at a young age, due to a number of reasons. More and more cats take to the streets, stray cats we call them, with nowhere else to go. You can happen upon cats in the strangest of locations, all they really are looking for is warmth, water and food. Animal shelters are loaded with the furry little creatures, their capacities overflowing with the number of pets that need a home. Many great organizations exist, making it their mission to save the cats, and help them to find safe, warm homes.
While most construction workers go their entire lives without running into an animal on their job site, some are surprised to come in contact with a furry friend. With all the noise and commotion who’s to blame them! These animals are just looking for some love and affection.
Montréal construction worker was working on a skyscraper when he uncovered the unimaginable. His life was forever altered by the little furry friends who made their way into his office.
Experts Only
Due to dangerous conditions on work sites, construction workers go through hard-core training to become qualified. The dangerous machinery, and raw materials used for building make it an unsafe place, especially for kids and animals. You can’t wake up one day, decide to be a construction worker and begin working on skyscrapers, floors and floors above ground level. This specialty requires experts, and nothing less.

Experts Only
Worldly Standards
Workers must be extremely good at what they do to be hired, and this is consistent across the world. Only the most qualified workers are called for difficult jobs, such as high-rise buildings and buildings in very populated areas. Newbies don’t get put on a big job during the first year of work, they need at least 5 years under their belt before taking on such hard, sophisticated work.

Worldly Standards
Mysterious Man
A construction worker in Montréal is at the top of his field, always called for the hardest jobs in town. He is known around town as the best in the business. This mysterious man was brought to an industrial construction site in the heart of the city, a very high-risk job due to the amount of people and buildings in the surrounding area. Today, this talented construction worker is seen as a hero…let’s find out why.

Mysterious Man
Unannounced Guests
It was just a normal day of work for this construction worker in September of 2017. He showed up for the job, gear on, ready to go; little did he know his day would be forever altered due to the visit of some unannounced guests.

Unannounced Guests
What Is It?
While scaling the building, applying a fresh coat of paint to the exterior, he spotted balls of brown and black fur from afar. He couldn’t put his hand on what building material it must have been, stumped, he stopped his painting to investigate.

What Is It@
Greeted With Meows
As he approached, he was greeted with meows and purrs! The strange material wasn’t a material at all, rather a litter of kittens! The little babies were crying out for their mother, who was nowhere to be found.

Greeted With Meows
Rescue Mission
The construction worker couldn’t just leave the kittens without a mother to care for them, they wouldn’t make it in this world for more than a week. But, he wasn’t sure how to rescue them either! It took most of the day trying to round up the clan, many were scared and did not fancy the big scary construction worker grabbing at them. Till this day, he can’t help but think that some got away and couldn’t be saved. But, he took comfort in the fact that he did his best.

Rescue Mission
Foster Daddy
After staring into their cute faces and big, curious eyes, the construction worker couldn’t leave work without the bunch. After consulting with his wife and kids, he decided to take the litter in! He brought them home, cared for them, and best of all, gave them the love they deserve.

Foster Daddy
Rescue Organization
Once home and safe, he took the next necessary steps to save the kittens. He had heard from a friend of a rescue organization called Chatons Orphelins Montréal (COM). The non-profit’s goal is to provide all of the support and help needed to save the stray cats of Montréal.

Rescue Organization
1 Down, 5 To Go
A representative from COM stated, “The gentleman managed to catch six kittens. While one of them was immediately adopted by a family, the other five still needed help, so he brought them to us.”

1 Down, 5 To Go
All In Good Health
The organization also provides stray cats with medical treatment. Amazingly, the kittens were all healthy, other than a few treatable parasites, they would all grow up to be strong healthy cats. The employees estimated that the babies were about 7 weeks old…how precious! Glad that they were all in good health, he was about to call his wife when the vet noticed something peculiar with two of the kittens…

All In Good Health
Extra Toes
Taking a closer look, the vet noticed that the kittens had extra toes, a condition called polydactylism, or hyperdactyly. The little babies inherited the abnormality from one of their parents, the result of a gene not properly developing. Luckily, the condition is not serious, and is quite common.

Extra Toes
Lucky Kitties
Funny enough, people view extra toes as a sign of luck…who knew? I guess they are pretty lucky, they were saved on top of a construction site! Rub the kitties for good luck…petting them works too!

Lucky Kitties
Polydactyl Cats
Cats with this condition are known as Polydactyl cats. They can have up to 8 toes on each foot, making their paws appear much larger than that of an average cat…hello lion! Funny enough, the condition doesn’t usually occur on the back paws, mainly just the front two.

Polydactyl Cats
Guinness World Record Holder
Remember how I said that it’s super rare for a cat’s back paws to be affected? So rare in fact, that this cat holds The Guinness World Record for most toes! A Canadian polydactyl cat named Jake takes the trophy with 28 toes!

Guinness World Record Holder
Unique Names For Unique Cats
The rescue organization COM, embraced the cat’s unique features, not worried that it would affect their chances of adoption. Their differences encouraged the staff to work even harder to find them a home! The litter is made up of two females and three males: Chaplin (black, male), Vinny (tiger, male), Muslie (gray, female), Alpha (gray, male) and Zia (gray, female). What hip names!

Unique Names For Unique Cats
Isabelle The Foster Mom
A rep from COM was quoted saying, “the five little kittens went to their foster home with Isabelle to continue their weaning and socialization. The little ones are very active, friendly and playful.” Way to go Isabelle!

Isabelle The Foster Mom
Personalities Come Out
The kittens’ new foster home served to be very beneficial for the little ones. They finally felt comfortable enough to be themselves, and let their personalities show. One of the unique polydactyl kittens, Alpha (pictured below) is the calmest of the lot, preferring napping and cuddling over games and fun.

Personalities Come Out
Personalities Galore
Cats are like humans, they have personalities! Proving to be very different from Alpha, Zia is a social butterfly, always searching for the next adventure. Funny enough, she does enjoy her peace and quiet…when things become too exciting, she finds the lap of the nearest human, seeking refuge.

Personalities Galore
Mr. Energy
The other polydactyl kitten, Muslie, holds the award for most energetic of the litter. Any toy that comes into her view is snatched in a second. She prefers feathers and loves any object covered in the soft texture. She is also a schemer, always launching sneak attacks on her siblings…oh Muslie!

Mr. Energy
The Jokester
We have a jokester on our hands! Vinny loves stealing toys, pouncing when they least expect it, and stirring up trouble with his siblings. Let’s just say he likes to keep life interesting!

The Jokester
Partner In Crime
What’s starting trouble without a partner in crime…not as fun! Vinny, the jokester, trained brother Chaplin to be his side kick. Of course, they all get along, but Vinny and Chaplin have a special bond, their foster mom swears their BFFS.

Partner In Crime
Into The Real World We Go!
After some time in foster care, the team at COM decided the kittens had adjusted and grown enough to finally be put up for adoption…what an exciting day! Off to their forever homes they go!

Into The Real World We Go
Adoption Day!
Photos of the kittens were uploaded to the pet organization’s Facebook profile to attract attention. In just a matter of a few weeks, all five of the cute kitties were adopted! What a great ending to an amazing story.

Adoption Day
A True Hero
We are forever grateful to the construction worker for saving the clan’s lives…what a true hero! Without his humanity and big heart, the kitties would have had no shot at a normal life. A special man did a special deed for even more special cats

A True Hero